Category Archives: seasonal interest

Six on Saturday – Mind Your Head!

Although our first proper opening of the garden is not till a week tomorrow, we had a group visit on Thursday, a mixed blessing, as it meant the garden had to be more or less ‘ready’ over a week sooner … Continue reading

Posted in dahlias, Gardening, Gardens, herbaceous perennials, open gardens, seasonal interest, Six on Saturday, Summer | 23 Comments

Wordless Wednesday: Shy Di

Posted in clematis, climbers, Gardening, Gardens, seasonal interest, spring/summer transition, Wordless Wednesday | Tagged | 4 Comments

Wordless Wednesday: First Dahlias, Totally Orange

Posted in cutting beds, dahlias, Gardening, Gardens, seasonal interest, Wordless Wednesday | Tagged , | 25 Comments

Marvellous May!

I can only marvel at May and what it has brought to the garden… As the trees have become fully-leaved, the boundaries of the garden have softened and it has closed in on itself and anyone walking through it, enveloping … Continue reading

Posted in borders, boundaries, clematis, cutting beds, dahlias, End of Month View, foliage, garden structure, Gardening, Gardens, grasses, greenhouse, herbaceous perennials, seasonal interest | 14 Comments

In a Vase on Monday: On Its Way

It’s a strange in-between season at the moment, no longer really spring, but surely not summer yet, despite all the roses. Summer, however, is definitely on its way, despite the 36mm of rain on Wednesday and the thundery showers yesterday, … Continue reading

Posted in annuals, borders, cutting beds, Gardening, Gardens, In a Vase on Monday, rain, seasonal interest, seed sowing, Spring, Summer, Weather | Tagged | 51 Comments

Six Shining Stars on Saturday

The garden continues to race along, filling out its borders, opening its blooms and generally providing an endless degree of wonder and awe on every ramble. There are new shining stars waiting to be discovered each day, and I have … Continue reading

Posted in clematis, Gardening, Gardens, herbaceous perennials, seasonal interest, Six on Saturday, Spring | 21 Comments

In a Vase on Monday: Ball and Chain

Having decided to spare a few allium (probably A hollandicum) for today’s vase, I sought other material on the purple spectrum, cutting Geranium phaeum ‘Raven’, a deep purply-blue aquilegia and foliage from Persicaria ‘Red Dragon’ – but the combination just … Continue reading

Posted in borders, bulbs, corms and tubers, Gardening, Gardens, In a Vase on Monday, seasonal interest, Spring | Tagged | 55 Comments

Six on Saturday: Sun and Shade

We have had some very pleasant days this week, warm and mostly sunny and never uncomfortably hot, so lots of gardening jobs have been done – perhaps as well, as our open days are suddenly creeping up really quickly.  I … Continue reading

Posted in borders, cutting beds, foliage, Gardening, Gardens, greenhouse, open gardens, roses, seasonal interest, seasonal tasks, Six on Saturday, Spring | 21 Comments

Wordless Wednesday: Coming Out

Posted in garden structure, Gardening, seasonal interest, Spring, Wordless Wednesday | Tagged , | 12 Comments

In a Vase on Monday : A Splash of Blue and Some Curls

Averting my eyes from the tulips which were shouting “Pick me! Pick me!” as I walked past, I headed towards the bottom end of the garden to pick some of the marauding Spanish bluebells that have sneaked their way in … Continue reading

Posted in bulbs, corms and tubers, Gardening, Gardens, In a Vase on Monday, seasonal interest, Spring, woodland | Tagged | 45 Comments