In a vase on Monday: Cooler

In hindsight, I rather wish I had taken a shot of today’s vase at a slightly higher angle, to show it as I saw it when it was first made; this would have perhaps given a better idea of the contents. Instead, the main photograph was taken, as usual, at eye level from a squatting position, with the vase positioned on fabric draped over a sheet of MDF propped up against the back of a bench in the garden. Unless it is very wet or windy, this is the default photoshoot location.

If you look closely, however, and study the shot from overhead (below) you should be able to make out the sunniest and hottest blooms I could find (in no particular order): sunflower ‘Velvet Queen’, unknown single yellow dahlia, Dahlia ‘Bishop of Llandaff’, Rudbeckia ‘Irish Eyes’ and ‘Marmalade’, Calendula ‘Indian Prince’ and ‘Snow Princess’, yellow, orange and ‘Dragon Fire’ helichrysum, and Amaranthus ‘Hot Biscuits. My go-to sunny vase is this yellow spotty jug, which worked perfectly for this sunny but cooler collection, reflecting conditions since last week’s heatwave, mainly in the low 20s but often overcast and breezy – a relief, after Monday and Tuesday’s extremes.

Today’s prop, standing in for cooling ice cubes, is look-alike optical calcite, which naturally cleaves into these geometric shapes. Spiritually, this crystal is believed to awaken consciousness to the self-limiting beliefs and fears we hold to enable forgiveness and establish harmony, peace and joy. It is also believed the Vikings used it to fix the bearing of the sun, even when obscured by clouds, to within a single degree of accuracy. More prosaically, calcite as a whole has more applications in the construction, agriculture, chemical and pharmaceutical fields than any other mineral.

I hope the weather this Monday is proving more equitable for all readers of and contributors to IAVOM. If you are in the latter camp, finding material from your own garden or foraged locally to pop into a vase or jug or jamjar, then please share it with the rest of us by leaving the usual links to and from this post.


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29 Responses to In a vase on Monday: Cooler

  1. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Water off a Duck’s Back | Words and Herbs

  2. Cathy says:

    Lovely hot summery colours, and yet so refreshing in your pretty jug. 😃 Love those Helichrysum. Did they grow very tall? Here is my vase for today. Thanks Cathy, and hope you have a cool week. 😃

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Cathy – it was great to be able to put them all together 😊 The helichrysum I have grown before have generally been quite tall – perhaps about 4ft, whereas these were a good foot shorter – and perhaps not best suited to the back of the cutting beds after all (I ddn’t think to look at the height!). They all came from Plants of Distinction – but having just checked their website I can see that the one I said was Dragon Fire must be Bright Red (it isn’t!). DF is, surpringly, a ‘deep wine red’…

  3. Hope you are coping with the heat. We have been lucky and not had the dreadful temps so many have been suffering through. Your flowers are the quintessential high summer bouquet. Particularly lovely in that vase.

  4. A pretty jug of summer sunshine. I love the strawflowers and your Dahlias are really coming along. I have a feeling strawflowers would rot here. Happy to hear your temperatures are back to comfortable. Hope the heat damage was minimal. Thanks for hosting.

  5. Pingback: Sunflowers for my Mum – In a Vase on Monday | Bramble Garden

  6. bcparkison says:

    Cheerful….and don’t we all need cheering on occasion. Thanks.

  7. Kris P says:

    That’s an utterly stunning collection of summer blooms, Cathy. I love the strawflowers and the sunflowers, as well as the green-eyed Rudbeckia. My own sunflowers are puny and unimpressive again this year and I’ve no idea whatsoever why. I’m glad your heat has abated. We’ve also had a break from the heat here along the coast, although other parts of California haven’t been that lucky. Thanks for hosting and here’s my post:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Kris, that’s kind of you 😊 My sunflowers are shorter than usual too. The green-eyed rudbeckia is (not surprisingly!) Irish Eyes, and is certainly the stongest of those I grow. Good to hear you have had a break from the heat

  8. Oh that’s a cheery display indeed Cathy in that attractive spotty dotty vase. The calcite almost had me convinced that they were indeed were ice cubes. What a versatile and most useful mineral. I must try ‘amaranthus Hot Biscuits’ again. Much cooler and wetter here this Monday than last 😂 My vase is here :

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Anna – I know you were not impressed with the ‘biscuits’ before, but I have stuck with them as they are easier to use than the sweeping tails of the red and green amaranthus

  9. Lovely colours – almost autumnal!

  10. Fascinating and firey!

  11. Very nice! Especially in that vase. 🙂

  12. Horticat says:

    Gorgeous summery shapes and shades in your spotty jug today, Cathy. Glad to hear you are enjoying some relief from hot temperatures. Your rudbeckia, with its green ‘eye’ really drew my attention.
    I snuck in late this week, having forgotten it was Monday!:

  13. tonytomeo says:

    Helichrysum was the primary cut flower crop near my Pa’s home in Montara. Goodness, I miss them. I have never grown them in may own garden, but probably should.

  14. karen says:

    Hello Cathy. I love your yellow spotted vase. I saw that Amaranthus Hot Biscuits at Easton Walled Gardens. Really beautiful. Here’s my IAVOM a few days late, but better late than never. All the best. Karen.

  15. pbmgarden says:

    Love this arrangement and the vase is perfect. The colors are coordinated so well too–love the palette.

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