Wordless Wednesday: Caught Red-Footed!

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26 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Caught Red-Footed!

  1. Oh no!

    They are just terrible this year.

    I have been advised to spray my irises with garlic water – have you tried that method?

    • Cathy says:

      I have used garlic water on hostas before, which may indeed help, but I am rubbish at doing it regularly!

  2. They don’t like salt, and since I have been using it on them, I don’t seem to have many these days! I use copper tape wherever possible too…

  3. 🤣🤣🤣. Well spotted! Sadly I got to mine too late.

    • Cathy says:

      I couldn’t believe how they had taken up residence there, and were only visible because they had munched half their camouflage!

  4. Heyjude says:

    I found a hiding place amongst my broken pots! Which reminds me that I must check again…

    • Cathy says:

      Cheeky little molluscs! I sometimes think we might have more snails than slugs here, although I have to be careful with teeny slugs in the greenhouse sometimes, as they can hide on the underside of the cell trays

      • Heyjude says:

        The slugs here are mostly the very tiny ones and yes, they hide under my pots. The snails are much bigger, though I am finding tiny ones hiding in the tulip leaves.

  5. Eliza Waters says:

    Gotta try the caffeine cure! 😉

  6. Donna Donabella says:

    those stinkers….I used to have the red lily beetle eating all mine in the old garden

  7. krispeterson100 says:


  8. Timelesslady says:

    So far garlic powder on wet coffee filters, dried and put in pots has helped keep squirrels out of my pots. I feel for you. The sawflies have already attacked my roses and I am spraying garlic on the undersides each day, and still, I see damage. Bah!

    • Cathy says:

      Oh, garlic powder sounds useful (I am hopeless at remembering to regularly spray a garlic wash) – didn’t know it was a yjong though, so will Google and see if it is available in the UK

  9. Cathy says:

    Oh no! Mine was ignored in favour of my radishes… I’d rather it had been the other way round….

    • Cathy says:

      Radishes! What a bizarre thing for them to like! It really intrigues me what foliage they go for and in the g/h where there are trays of lots of different seedlings (no veg though, other than tomatoes) there are always some that the teeny slugs that tend to appear go far, rather than others

  10. Cathy says:

    As per usual, my immediate reaction is: ‘Thank goodness it’s not just me!’ Someone (I think it was Eliza) suggested the caffeine spray. Too late for my daffs this year … but next. The poor frits …

    • Cathy says:

      They certainly get plenty of attention from gardeners, whether taking about their nuisance value or in their attempts to deal with them! I don’t ever see slug or snail damage in the woodland though, where there are lots of F meliagris, but they have very thoroughly destroyed this F imperialis!

  11. Tracy says:

    Ugh! Someone was hungry. *Attempting to comment, I’ve had no luck this past couple of weeks. 

    • Cathy says:

      I found two of your comments waiting for my approval, Tracey, but there were no others pending – sorry. Hopefully WordPress will now recognise you – thanks for visiting, and do keep coming!

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