End of Month View: Winter Beckons

Winter is definitely beckoning with the garden looking increasingly stark in green and brown monochrome. It is nevertheless an exciting time, with the thrill (yes, indeed) of  cutting back and generally tidying up the year’s efforts with the promise of witch hazels and snowdrops not that far away. Above is the usual first view, from directly behind the house (the ladder was needed for pruning some of the climbing roses) and below is the shrub border and streamside area from both ends; here, the three cornus are looking increasingly magnificent as they lose the last of their leaves:

The woodland, thick with fallen leaves:

The view from the bothy at the end of the woodland, looking out over the main borders, and the main borders from ground level:

The bronze heuchera bed and the clematis colonnade:

The woodland edge borders from both directions, the areas to the left and front right having been refreshed and replanted:

Bold borders numbers one two and three, number two gradually being emptied of plants, temporarily potted up (my goodness, the Clematis heracleifolia in number one does not age gracefully!):

Equally scruffy blue & white borders:

A stark rose garden:

Snowdrop border nicely mulched in homemade compost and leaf mould, with a handful of snowdrop spikes beginning to show themselves (whoohoo!):

Partially shady border behind the Coop, backed by gloriously leafy Clematis armandii:

And finally the new Fig border, hopefully providing year round interest with foliage and fragrance as well as blooms:

That’s the garden at the end of November, a record for me as much as anything else. There is an out-of-date map of the garden under The Garden tab above if you would like to see how the different bits fit together.

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19 Responses to End of Month View: Winter Beckons

  1. jenanita01 says:

    Gardens don’t shut down for winter very gracefully, do they? There’s more to do out there than at any other time it seems…

  2. Oh the snowdrop border is looking good to go Cathy 😄

  3. Heyjude says:

    Looks like a lot of work there Cathy! Time to get outside is limited now with the shorter days and the rain! But January and bulbs are not so far away 🙂

  4. Winter is a tricky period. Lots to do at a time when everything looks brown, sunlight is rare and most things are soggy. Who’d be a gardener. But then those snowdrops are pushing up and I’ll bet your witch hazels are forming buds. Exciting times to follow

  5. It looks organized in spite of the wintry season. I can tell you have lots of fun plans for the growing season ahead.

  6. Cathy in Winter there is a lot of work to do in a garden, but there are also many satisfactions. The plans for the next Spring, the Snow Bells breaking out, the Witch hazel are sure to form buds, the light bulbs in a few months … Everything in the garden does not stop, continues its course 😉 Greetings from Margarita.

  7. tonytomeo says:

    It all looks so wintry. I suppose it looks like that here too. I just don’t notice it as much as I do elsewhere. Do you find that your paperbark maple is difficult to maintain in good form? For example, does it insist on growing up high on lanky trunks, while shedding lower limbs? Is it necessary to prune it down to get it to branch lower?

    • Cathy says:

      The acer is still very small (6 feet or so) Tony so I don’t know what habits it will develop yet

      • tonytomeo says:

        It looks taller in the picture; like there is six feet of trunk with the upper branches above the margin of the picture. It is not easy to see branches while they are bare. There is not much to compare it too. Mine happens to have the same form, splitting into two two curving main trunks close to the ground. Mine splits a bit higher. By now, the two trunks are quite high. I hate to pollard them, but might do so in order to get them to branch lower.

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