Garden Bloggers Blooms Day: Begging Your Pardon

IMG_5184A rose,
They say,
By any other name
Would smell as sweet…
But what,
I wonder,
Would they say
About sensory overload?
Rose intoxication –
Death by rose –
Rehab for recovering rose addicts?
And yet it is not solely
The sultry aroma,
That beguiles the senses –
But (for the rose
Is no shrinking violet)
The confident colours
Of the blooms,
Their silken petals
Drawing us closer,
Demanding the soft caress
Of a lover’s touch.
Such beauty,
Such floral perfection,
Pierces the heart
And brings us one step closer
To (a rose-filled) Heaven.

IMG_5186Please visit Carol’s blog at May Dreams Gardens to see what is blooming in the middle of June in other people’s gardens – apart from roses!

This entry was posted in Garden Bloggers Blooms Day, Gardening, Gardens, Poetry, roses. Bookmark the permalink.

26 Responses to Garden Bloggers Blooms Day: Begging Your Pardon

  1. Cathy says:

    Beautiful photo and words too! I hope you have time to be outside enjoying all the fragrance this week Cathy!

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks so much – and I do linger longer on my rambles, so that’s a start! This is the first year I have really noticed the depth of the fragrance, Cathy, and not just from these ones in the rose garden. It really is intoxicating, hence the poem

  2. susan troccolo says:

    What a great poem! I love your way with words and keep on saying it. It’s probably getting old for you I guess. But this poem has a little of Rilke in it, so it really touches me. Also being a rose lover….Thank you so much.

    • Cathy says:

      You are very welcome – but I had to look up Rilke as I have not come across him before. I suppose we all develop our own style of writing, be it prose or poetry, and I am delighted that you enjoy mine, Susan.

  3. Pauline says:

    Beautiful roses and beautiful words to go with them, made even better by beautiful perfume.

  4. Anca Tîrcă says:

    ”Such floral perfection”, beautiful! I also have a post on roses starting from the quote ”I don’t know whether nice people tend to grow roses or growing roses makes people nice.”

  5. Laurin Lindsey says:

    Perfect ode to a rose…I do love their smell…especially tea roses!

    • Cathy says:

      This is the first year I have really noticed a difference in the fragrances – definitely some fruity ones amongst the sweeter smells

  6. Kris P says:

    What a marvelous poem to celebrate Bloom Day! Roses, of which I regrettably have few, are the very epitome of summer’s best blooms.

  7. Brian Skeys says:

    Perfect words Cathy to describe the rose and the rose lover.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Brian – they are making such a statement at the moment it would have been a shame not to focus on them for GBBD

  8. Linnae says:

    *sigh* Just lovely. I don’t want my whole garden to be roses (after all, I love many other flowers too), but I end up planting one or two in every flowerbed. Happy Bloom Day!

  9. Wow! They look wonderful! That’s quite a sight! I do struggle with roses, I’m afraid, but I keep persevering. So, I can identify with the words of your lovely poem. My new header shows my rose success – not a patch on yours!

  10. Gary says:

    They look lovely. I am coming to roses late, my parents had a front garden full of the and i had the job of weeding it, a bit like a human sacrifice to the thorn god.. That put me off them for a while but I am now beginning to see their beauty and am gradually filling my own garden with them.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Gary, and I came late as well – but not from the sacrifice to the thorn god angle but because I didn’t like bare stems in the middle of a flowerbed, which is what roses used to be a few decades ago – then I discovered climbing roses, and roses in pots, and now I know how glorious they can be.

  11. Chloris says:

    Lovely roses and lovely words. And aren’ t the roses fabulous this year?

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Chloris – and I still find this fabulousness hard to take in as it is almost overwhelming this year…

  12. rickii says:

    Now how can I still maintain that I am not a “rose person”?

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