In a Vase on Monday: Sunshine and Blue Skies

Sadly, there were neither blue skies nor sunshine yesterday, when I created this vase, and if I had checked the forecast when I first got up I would have searched for and picked blooms, popped them in a vase and photographed them first thing, when it was at least dry. As it was, however, with other commitments later, I found myself dashing out in the rainy late afternoon to find something I could quickly cut and display and photograph.

In the above photo, you can see Narcissus ‘Grand Soleil d’Or’ (big golden sun) peeping out from a sea of sky-blue muscari in my little tradesman’s sample Bretby Pottery jug, an even smaller vase than last week at around 5″ (13cms) tall. To screen the sun, there is a little paper parasol in the form of a cocktail umbrella; here, a real umbrella would have been more appropriate.

If your weather is conducive to finding material in your garden to pop in a container of some sort and share it with us on IAMOV, then please do so by using the usual links.


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29 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Sunshine and Blue Skies

  1. Pingback: In A Vase On Monday ~ Remnants of Summer – In My World

  2. Joanne says:

    Your title this week had me thinking you had lovely, sunny weather, Cathy! You did well to still bring some flowers indoors amid the rain; the blue and yellow look great together. 🙂

    My vases, picked just prior to a heavy downpour, are here ~

    • Cathy says:

      They were both quick to pick, Joanne – there is quite a big clump of the muscari and the narcissus only needed one stem. I agree about the blue and yellow – very spring-like combination

  3. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Floating Hellebores | Words and Herbs

  4. Cathy says:

    A lovely combination. And at least you have some blue skies and sunshine indoors now, even if the vase is tiny! We have been lucky, but the sun has not brought us much warmth as yet, so let’s hope for a bit of spring warmth this coming week. ☀️Here is my vase for today Cathy. Happy gardening!

    • Cathy says:

      It’s been dry today, but not sunny – although last week when I was out in the garden there was the occasional moment when you could feel a little warmth

  5. bcparkison says:

    I love the blue and yellow..So Spring!

  6. I got caught in the rain yesterday as well. I love the little vase and the umbrella prop, grape hyacinths were my favorite bulb further north, I always enjoy seeing yours. I hope a little sunshine comes your way. It seems the sun brought the wind here.

  7. Donna Donabella says:

    Oh that is too bad about the weather, but oh what lovely blooms for early spring. I am seeing my bulbs making headway, but alas the weather was not conducive for more to bloom and we got another blast of cold and a few inches of snow. Thankfully I have your blooms to look at while mine are growing and/or buried for a day or so. I did dash out on Saturday and cut the couple of brave blooms that showed up before the snow. So I now have a proper vase from my garden. The first of the year

    • Cathy says:

      You must be thrilled to be able to cut your own blooms again, Donna! Is your winter usually as variable as this one seems to have been?

  8. Happy spring! It is such a joy to see the first blooms of the season in the garden. Your little jug vase is perfect, too.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Beth – I love this little vase, a perfect miniature. I have an even teenier one, in exactly the same design

  9. krispeterson100 says:

    Sometimes you just have to create your own blue skies and sunshine, Cathy! I hope your weather is more favorable as the week progresses. There’s nary a chance of rain here in the 10-day forecast but I’m hoping we’ll get a little more before our rainy season comes to its usual abrupt end in mid-April. Meanwhile, we’re very much in spring-mode:

  10. Well you have magicked up your own sunshiney blue sky day Cathy and very prettily too. That narcissus is most aptly named and the muscari so intense in colour. Here yesterday it rained from early morning to goodness knows what time – it was still raining when I retired for the night! My little vase picked before the deluge is here :

    • Cathy says:

      You were clearly more far-sighted than I was, Anna! Same for us with rain -still raining when I went to bed, about 18mm in total

  11. Cathy says:

    They are such sweethearts, the little muscari!

  12. tonytomeo says:

    Did you feature grape hyacinth (muscari) last week? I can not remember. I was surprised that someone else appreciates it. I know it is not big, but that blue color is rad. I also got white, which is my favorite color, from Tangly Cottage Gardening.

  13. pbmgarden says:

    Muscari are wonderful to feature and the narcissus gives a nice pop. Almost didn’t make a vase today, just too many things going on, but a friend intervened. Thanks for hosting Cathy.

  14. That blue is so clean and intense! My muscari are a random collection of varieties I experimented with for colour, form etc, but I missed a trick not having a patch of that true blue.

    • Cathy says:

      The original varieties are possibly more realiable, which could be why they can be thuggish, as the varieties I grow in pots and then plant out don’t always return

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