In a Vase on Monday: Purple Rain

There may appear to be little effort involved in plonking a few tulips in a vase, and I agree with you, but the simplicity of such plonking belies the attractiveness of the result, so I make no apology! The tulips are all unnamed specimens from various cheap mixes but all beautifully purple in their own individual ways.

Today’s prop is more theoretical than usual, as like many other UK gardeners I have been hoping for some rain to slake the thirst of the April garden; in the UK midlands the forecast gave us a good chance of some rain yesterday, when this post was written and, hurrah! we had some rain – all 0.4mm of it! The garden, however, did appear grateful for the small mercy.

If you would like to share a vase, plonked or arranged, showcasing some of the contents of your garden, whether wet or dry, please do so by leaving the usual links to and from this post.

… and ps you may be interested to know that last week’s perky bellis are still looking just as perky!

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31 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Purple Rain

  1. pbmgarden says:

    Lovely way to present these gorgeous tulips. I like this so much. The colors are wonderful and the simplicity of that clear, square-edged vase lets the flowers shine. Glad you got some rain Cathy. We had a similar situation and the garden seems appreciative this morning for the small shower.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Susie – the vase came from a car boot sale, I think, and is perfect for simple arrangements like this. I would have loved more rain than we had, but at least it was a start

  2. Love the Purple Rain, I have a Purple Haze Bromeliad in my garden…rock n roll. Simple is many times best especially with tulips and the vase suits the flowers. Plonking is good, We got some rain, too. Hoping for more… Thank you for hosting

    In a Vase on Monday – Seasonal Shift

  3. bcparkison says:

    Most plants recover with even a hint of rain. A heavy dew is God sent.

    • Cathy says:

      Admittedly things were not flagging yet, but the seedlings I have been planting out will need continued watering if we have no more rain for a while

  4. Donna Donabella says:

    Oh my goodness purple tulips….I am swooning. As May has dawned still only a few diffs and small early bulbs hanging in there due to cold wet April. But soon there will be a few new flowers showing up. Here are a couple of small vases looking much like others I have made, but still grateful for any and all flowers right now.

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, I love them all, Donna! Spring is arriving slowly for you but I am pleased you are getting pleasure from the blooms you do have

  5. Heyjude says:

    Nothing wrong with plonking tulips of any colour in a vase, but I am very fond of purple. We had soft rain all day yesterday, but the pots soon dry out so I shall be keeping my eye on them.

  6. Kris P says:

    Tulips can’t help but be spectacular 😉 I’m sorry you’ve had a dry spell but glad you got a touch of rain and I hope there’s more to come. Parts of Southern California will be limited to only one day of outside irrigation per week starting June 1st. My own area is limited to twice a week irrigation but I fear things will get tougher as the year proceeds. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying my flowers while I can:

    • Cathy says:

      I can’t complain Kris, as we haven’t had official water shortages here for many years. Is the quantity of water you are allowed to use limited on your two days?

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Hello Cathy, it’s been a while since I had a vase to share. The reason is a very curious kitten! Your purple tulips are absolutely stunning. We have enough rain, and more, to share here on the west coast of Scotland!

    • Cathy says:

      It was good to hear from you Elizabeth and I’m sorry to be a bit late in replying – hope you are both well. My Mum was tellimg me about her rain too!

  8. Kris P says:

    The use of any automated irrigation system is limited in terms of days of the week, time of day, and length of running. There are also restrictions against watering within 2 days of “measurable rain”. People are allowed to hand water plants, and encouraged to water trees, but that is also subject to some restrictions. Whether the restrictions will be enforced is another matter. Supposedly, the water district imposing the one day a week rule will have enforcement patrols but my water district is currently focused on using carrots rather than sticks to encourage compliance. During an earlier severe drought, there were stories of multi-millionaires that literally used millions of gallons of water a year – they may have paid hefty bills but their water wasn’t turned off. I suspect the reaction to scofflaws will be much greater this time, though, as the situation is more dire.

    • Cathy says:

      That’s really interesting to read, Kris – thanks for taking the time to write such a detailed reply

  9. Pingback: In a Vase on a Monday: Scented Wonders – Annettes Garten / Annette's Garden

  10. Annette says:

    Dear Cathy, as you know I like “plonking” and I equally like simplicity…and I also seem to like working late 😁. Your tulips are delightful. Mine are about to go over now and will soon be replanted in the grass where they do come up each year, most of them anyway. Here’s my “plonking” contribution. I wish you could see the woodland where I picked the flowers, it’s pure bliss:
    A video will follow later. Best wishes to you and the Golfer xx

  11. Well I’m a graduate of the pick and plonk school so no need to convince me Cathy 😀 Those tulips make for a rather striking combination. Glad to hear that you’ve also had some of the wet stuff. We had some on Saturday evening which was still falling when I went to bed. Could have done with some more but still what we had was most welcome. We seem to have had a run of dry Aprils recently.

    • Cathy says:

      It was just a teeny bit of rain, but the garden seemed grateful – and admittedly had not been suffering from lack of rain, other than pots. We had a ‘proper’ shower yesterday though – up to 6mm this time! And yes, last April was even drier

  12. Horticat says:

    Tulips are very novel in my part of Australia – we can grow them here, but our regular spring heat waves tend to finish them off pretty quickly. Yours are beautiful – nothing else needed! And they don’t look ‘plonked’ at all 🙂
    Here is my contribution:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks for your kind words – is this the first time you have contributed? That’s a shame about tulips – do people still risk growing them though?

  13. Cathy says:

    Beautifully plonked, Cathy. The white one with a purple streak is rather lovely. Hope you get another shower soon…. my Mum has been lamenting the lack of rain and has been watering this week. Here in Bavaria I am enjoying regular rainshowers, as are the weeds! There’s always a good side and a downside…. 😉

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