In a Vase on Monday: Delicates, and Another

Today’s delicate vase began with some sprigs of winter jasmine Jasminum nudiflorum creeping under the bottom of the fence from a neighbour’s garden, and a search for more delicates brought winter honeysuckle Lonicera standishii ‘Budapest’ and a dainty leaved ivy to join it. The leaves of the honeysuckle, far from being delicate, were snipped off before the stems were placed into a little Aynsley vase in the Wild Tudor pattern decorated, one assumes, with wildflowers that would have been around in Tudor times, like viola and cornflower. The total height of the arrangement is no more than 8″ or 20 cm and it was accompanied by a scrap of vintage lace which looks as if it will have been handmade (astonishing when you look at the detail).

In the warmth of the house I can detect the fragrance from both honeysuckle and jasmine, one of the joys of bringing blooms inside – and so many winter flowering blooms have a fragrance. Perhaps you have some yourself you might like to share with us today on IAVOM – or any interesting foliage or stems, which we have all learned can look equally good in a vase?

Even without my delicate and fragrant vase I would have had another vase to admire today, courtesy of 4 year old The Tinker. Once picked up from school on Grannie Thursdays, she generally asks to do some colouring, and having now eschewed colouring books she likes to be independently creative. I caught her inspecting a (past its best) vase of flowers next to her on the table, but when she announced a little later that she was going to draw some flowers I hadn’t associated it with the vase – until I saw the end result. In fact, this one was not the original, which she wanted to take home for Mummy, but a second one she kindly agreed to draw for her proud Grannie. Proud Grannie now has it displayed on her fridge, and hangs onto the hope that another generation will carry on her love of gardening and flowers…


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42 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Delicates, and Another

  1. Looking hopeful, Cathy…

  2. Your vase is lovely Cathy, but The Tinker steals the show for me! Definitely worthy of a frame.

    • Cathy says:

      I agree Sandra – although I did ask if I could cut it down (it’s A4 size) before I stuck it on the fridge and she said no…! It fascinates me how she drew the flowers, which are almost Charles Rennie Mackintosh style, but also that I have never seen her choose to draw flowers before…

  3. pbmgarden says:

    A charming vase–the scent of the winter gems must be delectable. I admire the handiwork of the lacemaker and I love that your granddaughter enjoys drawing her own pictures unbound by the lines of the coloring book. I had a few things that could go into a vase today (more amaryllis, no callas) but I hope you won’t mind I bent the rules to share some flowers I bought for myself. Thanks for hosting, Cathy.

    In A Vase On Monday – Flowery Impulse

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Susie – drawing and colouring seems to be her main interest. Incidentally, this is Younger Daughter’s child, not that of Elder Daughter who painted the picture of the garden…

  4. I think the Tinker has a future in gardening. I am certain you are inspiring her to take it up. I love the scents you are describing and wish they were here. My mother in law could tat and crochet lace like that, lovely to see it and I like the little vase. Here’s mine

    • Cathy says:

      I am hoping she does – neither of my daughters has shown much interest yet, although with more time and without a dog I do think the elder one might have potential!! I have a yard or two of this lace and can’t imagine how long it must have taken somebody to make it. In the old days I used to do all sorts of knitting and needlework but my time is taken up with so much else now (like gardening?!)

  5. Noelle says:

    What a delightful picture…grown up artists yearn to get that level of ‘naivety’. Hope it is the best paper and no fade pencils as this ought to be framed…date the back. I bet you will be getting Tinker sowing seeds in the next few weeks..also flower arranging. A few words about your arrangement: pretty good for this time of the year! Here is my arrangement:

    • Cathy says:

      I will definitely frame (and date) it Noelle, as I was so thrilled to realise that it was prompted by the vase on the table. She is only here for a little over an hour in term time now she is in Reception, but here will be holidays and I could always get the Golfer to amuse The Boy whilst I did flowery things with her… 😉

      • Noelle says:

        I agree with the comment on the drawing echoing Rennie MacIntosh, but she may never have seen one of his pieces of artwork. There is far more spontaneity in Tinker’s drawing. I reckon the Golfer should play indoor mini golf with her brother, and by the time he is older what with all the long walks between holes you will both have lots of piece and quiet!

  6. bcparkison says:

    Artist and gardener…can’t beat that.

  7. Kris P says:

    Tinker is off to a great start, as demonstrated both in her interest in a flower arrangement and her artistic effort to replicate it for the enjoyment of others. Kudos to you for managing a delicate arrangement that hints of the spring to come and provides scent. One of the ingredients I used this week is supposed to have scent but I can barely detect it. Here’s my post:

  8. Cathy says:

    Sweetly pretty – and fragrant – vase with that delicate little scrap of lace. How wonderful to be inspiring a new generation!

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Cathy, and yes, it was a special moment seeing her inspecting the flowers…I wonder if it will be replicated this week…?

  9. Pingback: In a Vase on a Monday: Cold as Ice – Annettes Garten / Annette's Garden

  10. Annette says:

    Mind you, Tinker is serious competition, Cathy, such a lovely vase and I can see that she has inherited gardening genes! Your own delicate vase is delightful too, I can smell the flowers although mine are shock-frozen at present. Here’s my contribution, a bit late but I had to defrost my camera first 😂 Have a good week!

  11. smallsunnygarden says:

    The Tinker’s drawing is definitely one to be proud of, and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if she had those gardening genes. I seem to have inherited some from my own grandmother and it does seem to have started with just noticing the flowers around me,. 😉
    Your bouquet must be luscious to smell! Happily I have some very fragrant flowers in my own vase today:

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, I am exceedingly thrilled with her drawing and how it came about – lots of gardening genes in evidence in my family. although only a niece in my daughters’ generation so far…

  12. tonytomeo says:

    Those particular species of honeysuckle and jasmine are two that I have no experience with. The only fragrant honeysuckle that I am familiar with is Japanese honeysuckle. The genus just is not popular here. I may have met that jasmine before, but I am not certain. I keep seeing what I believe to be that species in a few old landscapes, but have not keyed it out. I have noticed only slight fragrance. There is another similar jasmine that I have in my own garden, but it does not bloom enough to be very fragrant like the pink honeysuckle is.

  13. Going Batty in Wales says:

    Firstly your vase – I have a winter jasmine on the wall of the cabin in the garden and can see it from the south facing windows. It always brings me joy at this time of year. I must check the winter noneysuckle which grows in a big pot and blew over in a recent gale. It needs to be planted out where I can admire it. Secondly the drawing – I have a few which drawings and craft things which were made by the grandchildren and they are always surprised and delighted that I still have them and display them. We have to offer them our passions and hope. At least they will know what passion looks like!

    • Cathy says:

      You can keep the winter honeysuckle compact by pruning it each year – worth doing as they are not pretty when they get bigger. I will definitely frame and date this picture as it really did move me…

      • Going Batty in Wales says:

        Someone told me to try pruning it to encourage it to flower after I had commented on your post. It is on the list!

  14. A most precious gift from the Tinker Cathy – one which you no doubt treasure 😀 I hope she does progress throughout life with a love for drawing and flowers.

    • Cathy says:

      Oh Anna, so do I… And I have to admit to having a real soft spot for her, perhaps because I have had that time with just her – not long enough though, as her brother arrived so soon afterwards!!

  15. Cathy says:

    Any flowers in winter are wonderful, but some sweet smelling ones even more so. 😃 I do hope the gardening gene has been passed down… she is certainly off to a good start! 😃

  16. So delicate and lovely in appearance, so tough in the face of Winter!

  17. Chloris says:

    Your little Tinker will be arranging your vases for you soon. Such a lovely picture. These flowers of wnter smell so delicious.

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