In a Vase on Monday: By the Hedge

IMG_7368It could have been roses, it could have been aquilegia, it could have been sweet peas (but these were shown yesterday) … it could have been any number of things, but today I decided to showcase the pink hawthorn, which is not really as red as its name, Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’, suggests. I adore the tiny pink frou frou blooms and it is such a delight to finally have this tree flowering as it makes such a statement – you might have seen in a picture in this post. The hedgerows around our village are currently full of hawthorn in bloom – both white and varying shades of pink – unlike last year when presumably ill-timed trimming removed any likelihood of blooms. Together with cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris) on the roadside verges it makes a stunning contribution to the landscape.

IMG_7367In keeping with the hedgerow theme I kept the vase informal and native, using both fly-by-night and introduced wild species. The dog rose (Rosa canina) is planted in the woodland edge border and is showing the first pale pink papery blooms amongst the hundreds of buds, and is joined by red campion (Silene dioica) which pops up here and there in the garden, as does the white dead nettle (Lamium album) – do you think campion will become as fashionable as ‘ragged robin’ is bound to be after featuring in many Chelsea gardens last week? Three unfurling fern fronds (all ferns were introduced in the early 2000s, mostly from named plants from Morrison’s supermarket, and clearly like it as they happily distribute their spores around the garden) were also included, but I must be winning my recent battle against ‘Jack-by-the-hedge’ (Alliaria petiolata) as I struggled to find any specimens to justify my planned title. With none in bloom, the stems with ripening seedpods indicated exactly why it does spread so prolifically!

Having collected the proposed contents in a galvanised bucket I decided this overall effect was pleasing in itself  so after conditioning the hawthorn and rose I popped everything in a smaller galvanised container that came from IKEA, via a car boot sale. The above photo was taken ‘by the hedge’, the only prop, but the photo below against the brick wall perhaps shows the contents more clearly, albeit inadvertently showing the reverse of most of the dog rose foliage.

What will you find in your garden or by the hedge or nearby that you could pick and pop in a vase to bring inside and brighten up your week? Do share what you find with us by leaving links to and from this post.



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75 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: By the Hedge

  1. Pingback: In a Vase at Chelsea | Wild Daffodil

  2. Gosh that hawthorn looks so beautiful! Jack-by-the-hedge is edible isn’t it – but perhaps I should not think of introducing any into my garden if it becomes a pest as you suggest.
    Love your native collection.
    Here’s mine:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Sandra – yes, JbtH is edible but I don’t think anyone would recommend it as a means of weed control!

  3. What a great post, Cathy, I really enjoyed reading this. Your wry observation about how plants become fashionable made me smile too. That’s a stunning vase, the pink hawthorn looks fabulous – what a good choice.

  4. joanna says:

    Isn’t it fun to take a closer look at what used to be considered weeds?
    I too like the lamiums, and now find the yellow version, called archangel I believe?
    But combining them with garden plants takes skill, which you have displayed here.
    I’m getting totally lost inside a maze of memes.

    • joanna says:

      Are you the meme host of ‘in a vase’ prompt? Not seeing a linky confuses me even more 🙂

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Joanna. I introduced some of the yellow lamium but have found it spreads too easily and I pull it out in handfuls where it outstays its welcome – I believe in Scotland you are not allowed to put it in your green waste although that may be hearsay as when I trie to check it out I could find no evidence! I used to be confused by memes too!

  5. Annette says:

    This is beautiful, Cathy, and for a moment I thought, how brave of you to add a real nettle. Like the Ikea container too. Isn’t the unfurling fern a little wonder? It always fascinates me, even the bracken looks great now, albeit slowly choking the woodland. Always wanted to have a pink Crataegus. We have lots of C. monogyna around here which is delightful too and much beloved by bees.

    • Cathy says:

      Thnaks Annette – sadly the fern went limo very quickly but I suppose it may well perk up in due course. It is probably at least 10 years since I put this hawthorn in and apart from the tiniest hint of a flower or two last year this is its first year in flower and I am duly thrilled!

  6. Well this is a new one for me…blooming hawthorn….I can see why you love it. And the theme was perfect as was this vase, Cathy. We have had a heat wave here with temps in the low 90s and lots of humidity and no rain.
    And all the heat kicked winter and early spring temps goodbye, and the garden responded with a speed up of growth and blooms. So with my vases, I had to grab flowers before they quickly melted in the heat…hope you like them:

    • Cathy says:

      Gosh that’s a quick turnaround – does it usually happen as quickly as that? The pink version seems to considered more of a native to the UK Midlands and of course it crosses with the usual white to give so many shades inbetween

  7. pbmgarden says:

    Cathy, it’s a wonderful dilemma you have of what to showcase today with so many options. I enjoyed seeing your flowering pink hawthorn. It’s something I’m not particularly familiar with. The pail makes a great container for your display. Here is my vase:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Susie – it was so tempting to pluck lots of roses as so many were opening over the warm and sunny weekend… perhaps next week….

  8. Pingback: May 30th 2016 In a vase on Monday – Creating my own garden of the Hesperides

  9. Christina says:

    Great that you have such a choice of flowers at the moment, I love what you decided to use and the naturalistic way you displayed them. Here’s my very quick post:
    Thanks for hosting.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Christina – it wasn’t planned that way, although of course the vases are rarely planned! I certainly didn’t expect such a naturalistic and informal result 😉

  10. I will be in Somerset next week, do you suppose the hawthorn will be blooming there? I don’t recall seeing it blooming on previous visits.

    • Cathy says:

      I don’t know if the timing is different this year or if it is just an especially good year but it is probably only just at its peak although Somerset is further south than we are. Hope you enjoy your visit.

  11. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Poppity Pop! | Words and Herbs

  12. Cathy says:

    My first thought was ‘Oh, how brave of Cathy to pick some stinging nettles!’. Glad to see they were only Lamium! The pinks are beautiful in that container. Silene is one of my favourite spring flowers but doesn’t like our chalky soil, and we never see it in the immediate countryside around us. We have plenty of Jack in the Hedge though! 😉
    Here is my vase for today:

  13. Pingback: In a vase on Monday – more golf flowers | Duver Diary

  14. jenhumm116 says:

    Hi Cathy I love your Hawthorn, very dainty, and the fern fronds are fabulous.

    Here’s mine, another golf inspired (required?) one

    In a vase on Monday – more golf flowers

    Thanks for hosting.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Jen – I suppose you will be expecting this annual (or twice annual as you had the festive decorations to do too) request every year now… 😉

  15. Cathy says:

    Hedgerow plants are my favourites (almost) and I love your vase that speaks of the end of May. I remember that lovely hawthorn from the other post – and like the others, I thought at first you had put nettle in the arrangement. The lamium is a less painful choice, I guess. My vase is here:

    In a vase on Monday: Nick’s delphiniums

    Funnily enough there are lots and lots of red campion growing in the border behind my delphiniums. I can’t stand to weed them out (though I probably should) – and they are partnered by a dog rose.
    Have a great week.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Cathy – like Herb Robert the campion can easily be pulled out when not required, but is pretty and inoffensive in the meantime

  16. Cathy, thank you for hosting. Another lovely arrangement. I am trying to remember if I knew there was Pink Hawthorn, that is lovely and I like your natural style arrangement and particularly the galvanized container-amazing what beauty Roadsidia can offer. Here is my vase:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Amy – makes me realise how much I enjoy seeing different types of arrangements and different types of blooms each week. Don’t think I shall ever tire of it!

      • I enjoy seeing what grows everywhere else and how people arrange it. So interesting. The verges around here are mostly devoid of anything I would put in a vase, a vacant lot can be fun though!!

  17. I’ve never seen Hawthorne blossoms like yours. They make a beautiful bouquet and your local landscape must be stunning right now. My vase is here:

  18. johnvic8 says:

    Your vase this week is lovely. I love the pink of the Hawthorne.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks John – the tiny little flowers that make up the blossom are so full, aren’t they? What’s not to love?

  19. Brilliant. That’s my kind of vase! I love the pink hawthorn and those fronds of fern add wonderful shape.
    Here is my vase:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Allison – sadly the fern fronds flopped really quickly and haven’t perked up so perhaps I shall replace them with some fully open ones instead

  20. Elizabeth says:

    Hi Cathy, your wonderful hedgerow arrangement looks perfect in the galvanised container. Seeing any crataegus always reminds me of the time when working for a landscaping company. One of my most pleasant ‘admin’ duties was to source the seeds/plants/trees for various projects including a public garden in Glasgow. It was decided that as it was in a mixed community the planting should be a fusion of eastern and British native species. All went well until I tried to source the native hawthorn, crataegus monogyna. What should have been an easy task turned out to be anything but … every nursery I contacted was all out of it. I despaired until I finally, after weeks of searching, found one down in a south of England nursery …. phew! . I have gone for the aquilegias you gave a miss to this week 🙂

    • Cathy says:

      That sounds a most interesting task to be paid to do, Elizabeth! Have you visited the park where they were planted recently? Is there much hawthorn in the hedges of your part of Scotland? Look forward to seeing your aquilegia

  21. For a moment I thought those hawthorn flowers were from a miniature rose. They’re lovely, as is the entire arrangement. It’s clear that spring is in full swing in your garden. Despite pleasantly cool weather this May, we’re shifting into summer mode. Here’s my vase post:

  22. Loree L Bohl says:

    Is a “car boot sale” really what it sounds like? Are they selling things from their back of the car? And are they just parked along side the road somewhere? I’ve always wanted to ask someone these questions! My contribution today:

    • Cathy says:

      Well Loree, that’s how they started out, perhaps about 25 years ago, but at an organised location where you pay a nominal few £s for the privelege of selling. People soon started bringing tables to display things which is what most do now. Some are regular traders using it as an informal market and selling new stuff, but most are individuals selling unwanted ‘junk’ from their homes. There is a lot of ‘tat’ but you never know what you might find. And there is a thriving second hand market for some things like baby clothes and children’s toys. There are fairly strict by-laws regulating them so they don’t affect longstanding ‘real’ markets but they are now very much a Bank Holiday tradition although many operate at w/ends too.

  23. Eliza Waters says:

    I would love to see all the hedgerows in bloom, it must be so beautiful. Maybe you could post a photo or two of a lane or field edge for those of us across the world who don’t have the chance to experience this legendary beauty? – please do!
    Today’s vase is a simple one:

  24. Anna says:

    Your vase today definitely sings of summer Cathy. On first glance I thought that the hawthorn flowers were little pink roses – so, so pretty. I nearly bought a ‘Ragged Robin’ plant at our garden club plant sale on Saturday but I assure you I was not following Chelsea trends 🙂 I hope that you’ve enjoyed the same sunny weather that we’ve had today. My late in the day and little vase is here :

    • Cathy says:

      Thnaks Anna – some lovely weather here in the last week too, although I was having to balance gardening time with marking test papers. We are due rain later today which we could do with – it will refresh everything and refill the water butts!

  25. Thanks Cathy, I have been admiring the pink form of hawthorn in the hedgerows and intend to plant some in the Winter along the roadside of my house, now I have its name. GREAT! my vase is a snapshot of what is in my borders today.

    • Cathy says:

      I don’t know if there are other named forms of the pink variety – I expect there will be, but this double one really is gorgeous

  26. Julie says:

    I just love your hedgerow display this week – very Chelsea Garden style!! We drove through many country lanes in Sussex yesterday and I was raving about the May combination of hawthorn and cow parsley – there is almost no need to garden for May when nature looks this good. I am so sorry I missed last week – I have been so busy battling with nettles, sticky weed and thistles that I have been almost shut off from my computer for the last few weeks. I nearly missed again tonight but made a last minute effort to organise myself.

    You can find my vase at:

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, it is a stunning combination isn’t it? Have you won your battle yet? I nearly included ‘sticky willie’ in the vase, actually, and had pulled some out with that inetention but by the time they had stuck to my clothes they were not in a fit state to be displayed!!

  27. Peter/Outlaw says:

    Gorgeous hawthorn! I like the informal, carefree feel of this arrangement and the way the fern fronds seem to be reaching out! My arrangement also came from three shrubs that needed to be pruned. Thank you again for hosting this fun meme.

  28. Karen says:

    Cathy, it’s been a while, but I’m back if you’ll have me. I do love the color of your hawthorn. Is that native? Here, our native white crataegus bloomed about two weeks ago, and I’m seriously considering planting more thiis fall at the back of our property, where there is no drip irrigation.

    My plunk-and-go contibution to your meme is a simple vase of Great Western roses.

  29. Pingback: In a vase on Monday: Paris – enclos*ure

  30. I’m not familiar with hawthorne flowers, but they are really pretty in your arrangement. We were traveling over the Memorial Day weekend, so I don’t have flowers of my own, but I do have pictures of some fancy Paris florists’ windows.

  31. Noelle says:

    What a lovely bucket of flowers…and what a year it has been for Hawthorne. Yours is so very pretty.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Noelle – and I hear from other comments that you are moving! I hope it was all planned and you are moving to somewhere with a garden that you can grow to love. Must have been a relief for the house to be snapped up so quickly – although of course it isn’t all done and dusted yet

  32. [J] How refreshing to see a nettle in a vase! The flowers are scarcely visible, yet the form and arrangement of the leaves is so striking – it almost upstages its neighbours!

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