In a Vase on Monday: a Glass Honesty Box

IMG_5141I had to rein myself in when choosing flowers for today’s vase but even so there is a far greater variety and quantity of blooms than usual. It had to be roses of course, because they are just getting better and better – so today it is around a dozen stems of Zéphirine Drouhin most of which began as buds but almost seemed to be swelling and opening as I worked with them, such was the warmth of the house after several days of sunshine.

As with most home grown roses, the flowering stems were quite short but I had already planned to use this chunky box shaped vase, after enjoying seeing Christina‘s larger version, so they were well suited. Accompanying blooms were kept to softer or pastel shades, and comprised self seeded orlaya, white flowered Allium cowanii, a few sprigs of white ‘Tall Spencer’ and two-toned ‘Purple Pimpernel’ sweet pea blooms (the latter from seed collected last year), pale pink Sweet Williams also from last year, Cerinthe majus from seed sent by Annette (the first time I have been able to successfully grow them) and fresh seed pods from white flowered honesty grown from seed a number of years ago.

IMG_5144Obviously I have nurtured the roses, but everything else is the product of some sort of action on my part and although they weren’t chosen today for that reason it gives me a small and quiet degree of pleasure realising that this is indeed the case.

More action was required to create the overall display as I had tried holding the roses in place with glass beads and then adding the other blooms around them – but, unable to insert the other stems easily,  the roses had to be removed and the other blooms built around them into a posy before tying them together and plonking the whole bunch in the vase as a whole, the beads then packed around them.

Realising I had forgotten to include the honesty, this was tucked into the vase almost as an afterthought, the end result being all the better for it as it softened the edges. It was the first time I have used honesty in  vase and I was admiring the dense green-ness of the seed pods its potential usefulness when I had the inspiration for the post title, so it was a most welcome afterthought! The single prop today is for the benefit of Woodland Gnome who failed to see the fairies in last week’s vase… 😉

Not surprisingly, the vase surprises me with bursts of fragrance as I pass by – divine! and long may it last! I look forward to seeing what will appear in other vases today – do join us, finding material in your garden or nearby to pick and bring inside to give you pleasure during the week. Just leave links to and from this post and yours so we can all share.


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58 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: a Glass Honesty Box

  1. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Bitter Sweet | Words and Herbs

  2. Cathy says:

    Beautiful, especially in the last picture where the roses can be seen to advantage. Love the little fairy too! Using honesty in a vase is a great idea. I will have a lot of clearing up and trimming to do this week after our storms have died down, so some of those seedheads might pop up soon in one of my vases too! Here’s my link for today. Thanks Cathy!

    In a Vase on Monday: Bitter Sweet

  3. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday – Green | Wild Daffodil

  4. Christina says:

    It has been so hot here for the last week that almost all the roses have just given up – I feel like giving up on them too! So it is especially lovely to see yours. Pink with white is a lovely combination. here’s my post, thanks for hosting:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Christina, but no more roses this summer for you? 😦 It has been very warm here too but only up to about high teens C – you will find it much hotter in America presumably! When do you go?

  5. That is gorgeous and those soft blooms make me want to dive in a bounce around on them – lovely to know they have a wonderful fragrance as well- I can almost smell them from here!
    Here is my link:
    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Pingback: In a vase on Monday: Summertime | homeslip

  7. Sarah says:

    I am still waiting for my garden roses. Tomorrow will be the day. But how wonderful to be able to pick a dozen roses. I was given a couple of pieces of self-seeded Orlaya yesterday as my direct-sown allotment seedlings have withered and died. Noticing where Orlaya likes to self-seed in gaps in paving I think I may have over-watered it. A really beautiful vase Cathy and I especially liked the green honesty seed heads, yet another idea for a vase. Here is my offering today (not very inspired but I’m enjoying joining in!).

    In a vase on Monday: Summertime

    • Cathy says:

      My roses have come on a bundle in the last week or so as it has been so warm and sunny, but they have not all started yet. Hope yours don’t keep you waiting any longer! My self seeded orlaya wasn’t in a bed so they clearly are very tolerant – I think I have spied some more so I will positively encourage them for next year. I don’t think they would ever become a nuisance… I am really pleased with the honesty and I must make a note of how long they stay like this on the plant before we get the ‘pennies’

  8. pbmgarden says:

    Beautiful roses Cathy. Honesty makes great foliage for your arrangement. I learned this plant as money plant, so called because the dried pods resemble coins. My contribution this week is

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Susie, and somehow I never seem to have noticed the seed pods at this stage as they look brilliant in vase – although I don’t know how long they will last

  9. Elizabeth W says:

    Hi Cathy, I can’t believe you have roses already. I have buds but none opening as yet … last week’s storms probably keeping them back. And your roses are so beautiful – lovely colour – and they look perfect with all the other material you’ve chosen too. My husband would rather buy a plant growing in a pot and transplant it but I love growing plants from seeds and cuttings – what a tiny seed can become never ceases to amaze me. You can see my plonked jugful for this week here:

    • Cathy says:

      My roses have gone very quickly from bud to flower as the weather has been warm and sunny – it’s perhaps the first year I have really been able to smell the ‘rose garden’ as I walk by…lovely! After a gap of many years I have been seed sowing in earnest for the last 2 or 3 years and I think I am now ready to start growing more perennials from seed rather than mostly annuals.

  10. Wonderful. Love the vase, rose, and in particular those interesting green leaves around the edge. I’m not familiar with them so googled. 🙂

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Judy. I realise I should have given it the honesty its ‘proper’ name Lunaria, as I hadn’t realised that it was not commonplace in the US.

  11. Pingback: In a vase on Monday – pinks, purples, white and yellow and a bit of crystal | Views from my garden bench

  12. Cathy what a romantic arrangement with those fat roses filling the vase….I am sure with the sweet peas and roses the scent is amazing. My sweet peas failed due to our crazy weather but I have a plan for next year so I can grow them. And I have not grown Honesty here either but I do like its look. And I love the gnome….I wish I could photograph mine outdoors but the garden is a mass of weeds so until it is cleared I will be placing the vases indoors for viewing….here is mine this week:

    Simply The Best Natives-The American Linden

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Donna – what a shame about your sweet peas. I wonder what your plan is…? I had to move my vase a little way from my favoured photo location as one of the ferns has suddenly shot up and is obscuring the view 😉

  13. johnvic8 says:

    I really do like your arrangement this week. The roses in particular stand out. Here is mine:

    • Cathy says:

      Thank you John – they are bursting out of their buds now and changing the proportion of the contents, quite intriguing to observe the changes…

  14. Hi Cathy, Oh I loved your arrangement. I wonder if there is such a thing as ‘reining in’ during rose time-:) Here in Portland, it is Rose Parade week and it was also so hot that the organizers were wondering how the hundreds of thousands of roses on the floats would stand up to the heat. In my own yard, I’ve brought all mine in and made huge bouquets. There is one white rose called White Sail, which has a rich, old-fashioned sweetness (most white roses lack in the fragrance area.) Your arrangement is lovely and again, I LOVE how you write! Cheers, Susan

    • Cathy says:

      Portland Rose Parade sounds amazing, Susan – but will you and the rest of Portland have no more roses now that you are heading into the hottest time of your year? What temps will it get to? Your house must smell divine with all your rose bouquets – do you not want to feature one as a Vase on Monday…? ps thanks…

  15. Bec says:

    this is a really lovely arrangement – pinks, whites and purples are my favourite arrangements. My sweetpeas are nowhere near flowering yet though and I’ve only got one rose bush…. don’t really know what Im doing with roses – but I do love them.
    the fairy statute is cute too 🙂

    here’s my vase 🙂

    In a vase on Monday – pinks, purples, white and yellow and a bit of crystal

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Bec, although I realised afterwards that as the roses opened they were going to hide much of the other bits – still looks good though, just different! And I am fairly new to roses, not even especially liking them as plants at first. The ones I have now are almost all climbing roses or in pots – so they can have other things growing around them or at their feet. The climbing ones are probably the easiest and many flower over a long period. The sweet peas were sown in the autumn and were definitely worth the effort of overwintering them to have them starting to bloom now.

  16. Anca Tîrcă says:

    Thanks for such a romantic vase, Cathy! I like everything – the flowers, the colours, the vase, the fairy and the setting! This is my vase:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Anca – when I tied it together before I put it in the vase it looked as if it could have been a small bridal posy. It definitely has a romantic look about it, doesn’t it?

  17. Kris P says:

    Oh, how I’d love to have those roses in my own garden! I love the little fairy too. I’ve never grown Lunaria but, after looking it up, I think I’ll try it next year. I’m amused by the fact that what you call “honesty” is referred to as “money plant” here – someone should write a book on the cultural foundations of the differences between the common names given to plants in different countries. Here’s a link to my vase post:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Kris, and apologies for not giving the honesty its ‘proper’ name! I just grow the white version – I think its probably a biennal but it self seeds so easily here although is easily pulled out if you have enough.

  18. lindachilton says:

    Those roses look so rich, and the colours glow. The honesty is beautiful.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Linda – I love the texture of the honesty seed pods and the shade of green, as well as the way they are arranged on the stem. With the light behind them you can see the way the seeds are arranged inside too, six in each. Just fascinating…

  19. Anna says:

    With the advent of roses and sweet peas that it is a most sumptuously scented summery vase Cathy. The lunaria seed heads are a touch of inspiration. Methinks I might use my purple tinged ‘Chedglow’ ones at some point 🙂 My vase was picked just before the rain arrived and is here :

    • Cathy says:

      The smell still takes me by surprise, Anna! Purple tinged ‘Chedglow’? Sounds intriguing – must look them up… And rain – none here for10 days or so 😦 ps I have emailed you…

  20. Using the green honesty seed pods is an inspiration. It works like eucalyptus leaves, but is much easier to get hold of.

  21. Pingback: In A Vase On Monday – My Perfect Peonies | Peonies & Posies

  22. Pingback: In A Vase on Monday: Summer’s Hydrangeas | Forest Garden

  23. I love your fairy and your roses 😉 Just gorgeous! The honesty works perfectly with your other flowers. What a pretty arrangement this week! I am enjoying the Hydrangeas which began blooming this week. We can keep the vase full for months with these beauties:

  24. Julie says:

    What a beautiful rose Cathy! I have not grown Zéphirine Drouhin – is a repeat flowerer or just for the early summer? Your other additions set her off beautifully and I know what you mean about the satisfaction derived from raising your flowers yourself. The honesty is a perfect filler – I have grown it for the first time this year and noticed these lovely seed pods on mine this morning. Although I have often seen them used in flower arrangements, this is the first time I have had my own.

    There are no prizes for guessing what I am using this week!! You can find my contribution at,

    • Cathy says:

      Hi Julie – no it flowers continuously till autumn or later, although less floriferously than when at its peak, a thornless and well behaved climbing rose. I am sure I shall be using honesty seed pods again – they are lovely like this, aren’t they?

  25. Pingback: In a vase on Monday: it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world | Edinburgh Garden Diary

  26. I love the honesty pods, and will definitely grow some honesty next year. It seems so pretty and useful. You are lucky to have such bountiful roses. Ours haven’t opened yet (not warm enough) but there are a promising number of buds. Here’s my vase this week:

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, Joanna, and because the honesty self seeds you can have much or as little as you want as it easy to deadhead or pull up seedlings. I think our roses are a little later than usual (our rambler isn’t out yet) – and at least if your roses start later they will finish later…!

  27. Chloris says:

    How lovely. I love this rose, it is so generous with its flowers, so beautifully scented and so early. And with no thorns, it is the ideal rose. I love your summery arrangement.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Chloris – I have four of them climbing on the framework in the rose garden, all moved with no problem from their previous spot, unlike their neighbour Guinee which needed two replacements

  28. Pingback: In A Vase on Monday – Peonies | Eliza Waters

  29. Eliza Waters says:

    Beautiful arrangement, Cathy! It reminds me of an old-fashioned nosegay, and from what you wrote, the scent of the roses would fit the name. The little fairy is a sweet touch. Finally, I got an arrangement together to add to the group: Thanks for hosting!

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Eliza, and when I tied the blooms together before they went in the vase they looked even more like a nosegay. So pleased that you have been encouraged to join us 🙂

  30. Pingback: in a vase on a sunny monday | sprig to twig

  31. rickii says:

    I have only noticed Honesty as purple flowers or silvery discs…somehow missed that green phase, but they add a lot to your vase. Your fairy picked a nice spot for sitting (somehow, I don’t think fairies sit all that much).
    Here’s mine:

    • Cathy says:

      Same here, rickii, although I have the white flowered ones – certainly don’t recall seeing the green phase although they obviously go through it every year. At least with a sitting fairy she is less likely to get her legs and wings broken which has happened to most of the rest of her gang 😦

  32. Amy says:

    I love the Bourbon roses though I’ve never grown ZD. What a luscious, large bunch to be able to gather – sigh! Maybe by next year I’ll be picking more than one or two at a time 😉 The honesty pods do work wonders around the edges of the other flowers!
    I did pick one rose for today’s vase; my miniature is coming into flower again… :

    • Cathy says:

      ZD is such an accommodating rose and never fails to please. I wonder if your whole vase is a miniature… off to find out now

  33. Annette says:

    Beautiful display! Isn’t it a wonderful year for roses…mine have never been that good – the garden is under a cloud of scent, quite heavenly actually.

  34. Pingback: In A Vase On Monday – Foxglove & Peonies | Eliza Waters

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