In a Vase on Monday: Bit of a Squash

IMG_2970The abundance of flowers on the squash plants promoted their use in today’s vase, particularly as the likelihood of any new fruits having a chance to mature before frosts set in is low. The male flowers have nice long stems so several of these were chosen, along with a couple of stems with embryo fruits tucked close into the petiole, where a leaf joins the stem, seemingly always accompanied by the curly tendrils that will support the plant if it is allowed to climb. I have allowed mine to climb this year on a purpose-built frame to keep them from trailing across the paths.

IMG_2969I was reluctant to include any additional material as I liked the freshness of the green and yellow and the different details of the flowers, fruit, tendrils and the veining on the leaves, and already had my globular green glass vase in mind to display them in. On the way back to the house I picked three stems of spent heuchera flowers, now almost so dry that they could disintegrate if handled roughly and when trimmed these seemed to balance the squash components without detracting from them. Temporary props added a fiery tone when the vase was place in front of a clump of the scarlet fruits of Arum italicum ‘Marmoratum’, completely changing the appearance.

IMG_2968Today’s vase was a quick display that was put together in minutes – less time than it took me to walk to the bottom of the garden, pick the squash and get back to the house! The small excess of vases I posted last week were all ‘picked and plonked’, as were the sweet peas I picked during the week to replace some of Monday’s spent flowers – showing just how quickly and easily we can get into the habit of picking from our gardens and bringing the pleasure inside too. If you would like to get into the habit too then this meme is a good incentive – just post your pickings with a link to this post, and leave a comment on this post with a link back to yours. In this way we have been able to support and encourage each other in what has been very much a learning curve for most of us.


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39 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Bit of a Squash

  1. Cathy what a perfect vase. I just started looking toward my veg beds with this week’s vase as I added dill flowers. Here is this week’s post with a bit of a theme and a giveaway.

    In A Vase On Monday-Anniversary Flowers and A Giveaway

  2. Pingback: In a vase on Monday – More greens please! | Creating my own garden of the Hesperides

  3. Christina says:

    I can tell you aren’t Italian Cathy! No one here would pick squash or pumpkin flowers without the idea that they would be filled with mozzarella or ricotta and then deep fried. A fun idea to put them into a vase and certainly thinking out of the box. Here’s my link

    • Cathy says:

      Deep frying them is something I have not done before but do intend to one of these days…. Not sure how long they will last in water but they look good at the moment!

  4. Julie says:

    Cathy, this is fun and you are inspiring me to join in with your In a vase on Monday posts. Just need to get on and do it now!

  5. jenhumm116 says:

    I love this vase Cathy! I’ve often thought how attractive and fresh looking these flowers are and now you’ve proved it in a lovely arrangement.

  6. Fabulous! I often think that vegetable flowers are underappreciated for their beauty as well as their nutritional value. And the Arum fruits behind your arrangement do, indeed, add a pop of color and drama. Very nice. Here’s my post for this week:

  7. Cathy says:

    A great idea Cathy. Who would have thought they look so pretty in a vase?! Changing up the background is very effective – must remember to try that out. 🙂 Here’s my vase for this week. Thanks Cathy!

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Cathy – there are lots of useful niches between rocks in this spot near the back door, so a good photographic location!

  8. I love that idea Cathy! I wouldn’t have thought to bring in the squash flower, yet I *love* them in the yard! My single solitary pumpkin plant was SO late in blooming this year that I am sure that I won’t have any pumpkins at all. Following my bumper crop last year I am so disappointed! How lovely to see your bloom in a vase. I also love the prompting to get those flowers in the house! I can’t thank you enough for hosting! Here’s my link: Have a good week! Dana

    • Cathy says:

      You are very welcome Dana – thanks you for all your positive comments. I am on for TWO small squashes this year, I think…..!

  9. Pingback: Ina Vase on Monday; September 8, 2014 | Cosmos and Cleome

  10. Very interesting, and a good use of the blossoms that won’t have a chance to produce fruit. I like how you included some of the baby fruits. I do wonder how long the squash blossoms will last in the house–they’re such thin, delicate blooms. I took flowers from the vegetable garden this week, too, but not in the same way as you!

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, I don’t know how long they will last, particularly the male flowers which were indeed on very thin stems. I wonder what you have used….

  11. Anna says:

    I had to smile at Christina’s comment Cathy. With an Italian mama I grew eating battered and fried courgette flowers as a regular summer treat. Delicious! Still your squash flowers look most attractive in a vase. A good post title too 🙂 I have an offering this week over at :

    • Cathy says:

      An Italian mama? Do you have an Italian look about you at all, or do you take after your father? I have heard so many positive comments about battered squash/courgette flowers that I really MUST try them! I wonder if you have any fruit or veg in your vase…;)

  12. Kris P says:

    I’ve always thought squash flowers are beautiful. I’m happy to see you use them in a vase. Some people I know use them in cooking too. (Not me, as I generally leave the cooking to my spouse.) My vase this week can be found here:

    • Cathy says:

      And as we have found with blogging about our gardens once we inspect flowers more closely we notice all sorts of little details we might have missed before

  13. debsgarden says:

    Very creative! I love the image of the blooms in front of the arum.

  14. Julie says:

    What a lovely idea to use your squash flowers in a vase Cathy! I am so sorry not to take part again this week – I have a house full of guests and have only just managed to sneak away to have a look at what you have made. I am looking forward to next week when life will calm down again and I can get back to joining in every Monday.

  15. pbmgarden says:

    Clever inspiration for your Monday vase Cathy! I adore curling tendrils on plants — these on the squash add a rich texture to the arrangement. My vase this week is

    • Cathy says:

      The tendrils are brilliant aren’t they? And I wouldn’t have noticed how lengthy they were if I hadn’t picked the flowers, so that’s another thumbs up for picking!

  16. Inspired, Cathy! It’s nice to see the “humble” veg, being elevated to vase status. It’s a great way to actually get up close and appreciate their true beauty. The nearest I’ve got to this are pots of herbs. I’m off down the allotment!

  17. I love the yellow and green against the brick wall, such a perfect statement.

  18. Great stuff!
    Missing not having anything to put in a vase. Must try harder! D

  19. bittster says:

    I always thought squash blooms were spectacular, smart of you to use them in a vase. The buds with the young squashlets attached always fascinated me, I don’t think I could have picked them even knowing they would never amount to anything, but then again they really add to the vase.

  20. Gorgeous and I’d never have thought of it. I have quite an abundance and they aren’t likely to grow into squash this late in the summer. I did just notice that those of my butternut squash that have grown to a decent size get bigger by the week when left in the ground- thought it worth a mention.

    • Cathy says:

      We haven’t had much rain this summer which would have helped – and I suppose I could have watered them! I shall see what happens to the remaining tiny ones

  21. And why not! A very cheery vase. Apparently you can also chop up and fry then flowers with anchovy, let’s Slattery than deep frying. I’mreally late but iI did finally put a post together, and half is about vases of flowers…

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