Category Archives: seasonal interest

Six on Saturday: a Burning Bush and the Three As

Once again, a large degree of editing was required to get today’s selection down to six or thereabouts, to meet the rules of Jim’s Six on Saturday meme. Why not visit his blog to check out his six and those … Continue reading

Posted in borders, foliage, Gardening, Gardens, herbaceous perennials, seasonal interest, shrubs, Six on Saturday, snowdrops, Spring | 34 Comments

Wordless Wednesday: On Point

Posted in bulbs, corms and tubers, Gardening, Gardens, greenhouse, seasonal interest, Spring | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Six on Saturday: Little Beauties and Other Things, Mostly Beautiful

Having photographed several contenders for today’s Six on Saturday, the popular meme hosted by Jim of Gardening Ruminations, I then had to do a cull – but suggest you don’t actually count how many have been included in today’s post! … Continue reading

Posted in bulbs, corms and tubers, foliage, Gardening, Gardens, greenhouse, ornamental trees, seasonal interest, Six on Saturday, Spring, trees | Tagged | 17 Comments

In a Vase on Monday: Sieze the Day

Like many other countries, the UK ‘changed the clocks’ on Saturday night, in theory losing us an hour; for me, nowadays waking up increasingly earlier every day as the days lengthen, it doesn’t work like that as I just went … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening, Gardens, In a Vase on Monday, seasonal interest | Tagged | 58 Comments

End of Month View: Marching Out

For once, I have been aware that it is the end of another month, although where March has gone is anyone’s guess! The usual starting view from the back of the house is rather different this month, although a couple … Continue reading

Posted in borders, End of Month View, foliage, Gardening, Gardens, greenhouse, herbaceous perennials, seasonal interest, Spring | 12 Comments