In a Vase on Monday: the Holly and the Ivy

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17 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: the Holly and the Ivy

  1. Noelle says:

    A lovely arrangement with Christmas shrubs from your garden. Happy Christmas Cathy. Here is my contribution:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Noelle – I just could not get it to look in focus though…didn’t help that I was trying to phootograph it just as it was getting dark on Christmas Day! 😉 Because both holly and ivy leaves are glossy it was reflecting the light, which didn’t help either – hey ho! Sadly the holly berries were from a nearby verge as our holly has been largely stripped of berries

  2. Anna says:

    Oh the holly and the ivy are the best of companions Cathy. Hope that you and the Golfer had a most enjoyable day yesterday. Here is my offering for this last Monday of the year :

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Anna -yes, it was a quiet but pleasant day, with lots of communication with various family members. I always knew it was going to be a quick holly and ivy vase for today, although sadly the photo doesn’t do it justice…perhaps I should have scheduled it a few days in advance rather than rushing before it got dark yesterday…😉

  3. Merry Christmas Cathy. Congratulations on finding holly with some berries on it! 🙂

    • Cathy says:

      Haha, our own holly has been stripped, Arwen, and these came from the verge across the lane. Haven’t forgotten about the snowdrops, but of course the ground was frozen for ages – probably better now to wait to till the postmen have cleared the Christmas backlog! Hope you have had exactly the Christmas you wanted

      • Ah thanks Cathy, really appreciate it, no rush at all. Yes it’s been a lovely Christmas thanks, hope yours has too. Too cold and wet for me to garden but it has provided plenty of opportunity to sit around and read seed catalogues (I must try to remember I DO NOT need any more seed!!!)

  4. Kris P says:

    That strikes just the right not for the day after Christmas, Cathy. I hope you have a nice Boxing Day. Thanks for keeping things going even during the busy holiday season. Here’s my post:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Kris – I decided some time ago it was just going to be a plonked holly and ivy vase today, especially as we expected to be away at my Mum’s (we cancelled it because of the weather forecast). Have managed some gardening today, whch is good, as there is lots of tidying and cutting back to do. Hope your festive weekend has gone well – are you affected by the extreme weather conditions at all?

      • Kris P says:

        I expect California is the envy of virtually every US state at the moment, Cathy. We were very warm yesterday and temperatures are only slightly lower today. However, clouds are moving in and rain is forecast for late tomorrow, continuing through most of the rest of the week, but we (or at least the gardeners among us) are looking forward to that as we’ve been terribly dry given that this is our rainy season.

  5. I love holly with ivy – what better bouquet for Christmas. Cathy wish you and the golfer a Merry Christmas. Very affectionate greetings from Margarita.

  6. Beautiful wintry mix in a good non- weather way. Do the weatherpeople in the UK use that term? I love holly berries, there are actually a few here but not as attractive as yours – is it Ilex aquifolium? For the first time ever it was too cold here to cut a vase for Monday, nearly 0 C yesterday. We are frozen and digging through the closets for warm clothes. Happy Boxing Day.

  7. tonytomeo says:

    Oh, I still like holly, and at any time of year. English holly is somewhat naturalized at work, which can be a problem, but I like it anyway.

  8. pbmgarden says:

    Your holly and ivy look festive and evoke the musical feel of the season. Happy Boxing Day. I found a quick entry to finish up the year.

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