In a Vase on Monday: a Pink Point

I suppose this vase makes the point that, apart from dahlias, most of the plants still blooming in the garden at the beginning of November are pink – not that that’s a bad thing in my book!

The starting point was the frothy hardy Chrysanthemum ‘Grandchild’; I try hard to appreciate chrysanths and this is one of the prettier hardy ones, but it’s still an uphill struggle – perhaps a greater appreciation will come in time, or perhaps not! Joining them were annual Clary sage ‘Pink Sundae’, enjoying a new lease of life having been cut back a few weeks ago, Amaranthus caudatus, hardworking Scabious ‘Beaujolais Bonnets’ and stems of ‘obedient plant’ Physostegia virginiana which only began flowering in September. The latter is better seen on the overhead view below:

Joining the blooms in the heavy Caithness Glass vase is a rose quartz point. Like all quartz, rose quartz has a hexagonal form, albeit often irregular, but is sometimes found as an amorphous mass. In crystal therapy, rose quartz is believed to bring unconditional love and deep inner healing, whilst a crystal point might be used to channel energy to or from the body, depending on which way it is pointing.

I would be delighted if you chose to share a vase with us today, based on pickings from your garden or foraged locally; please leave links to and from this post if you do so.

Amazingly, next week is the 7th anniversary of In a Vase on Monday! On these anniversaries I like to throw down a challenge – this year, the challenge is to share a vase without blooms. We know that pickings become leaner as we move into winter, but nevertheless a number of us have still managed to post vases throughout the colder months – even without blooms there can still be material available to make a pleasing vase, so do give it a try. As usual I am offering a giveaway, with everyone who comments going into the draw to win a copy of Jenny Joseph (she of the ‘When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple’ fame)’s book ‘Led by the Nose; a Garden of Smells’. See you next week?

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32 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: a Pink Point

  1. November pinks flowers, quartz and vase. Wonderful. I must go look up the Clary sage, it is so pretty. I haven’t seen any Obedient Plant in years. I agree with you about Mums, something sort of not exciting about them.

  2. pbmgarden says:

    Pinks. I see these colors more as purples which I love. Either way I adore this arrangement. The clary sage and Amaranthus elevate the chrysanthemums to a new level. Wow, seven years! I learned about your Monday vases from Christina and joined in at January. It’s been a treat to share Mondays with you and others who make or appreciate flowers. Your flowerless challenge will indeed be a challenge!

    In A Vase On Monday – Vintage Bouquet

    • Cathy says:

      The physostegia is certainly more of a light purple, but in real life the others are definitely pink, albeit a pinkish red in the case of the scabious and amaranthus. Yes, you were one of the very first regulars on IAVOM, Susie, so will have nearly as many vases under your belt as I have!

      • pbmgarden says:

        Unlike you I have missed a few vases through the years. Only once did I complete the entire year. Definitely have loved participating when possible.

  3. Pingback: Earthy tones: in a vase on Monday | The Nostalgic Gardener

  4. Seven years and you are still getting newcomers to In a Vase on Monday, like me! Great idea. That’s a pretty clary sage, though like you I am kind of luke warm on chrysanths. I find them a bit too immobile somehow.

  5. bcparkison says:

    congrats on your 7 years. Keep on coming on.

  6. Noelle M says:

    I rather like Chrysanthemums and this one looks lovely. Is it maybe the plant itself in the garden that is disappointing? A lovely composition with the pink quartz. My rocks are far more mundane:

    • Cathy says:

      Possibly Noelle, it is certainly not a substantial plant yet. And ALL rocks are interesting to my mind, so please don’t dismiss yours as mundane…!

  7. the running wave says:

    Beautiful pinks in your vase Cathy! I especially love the clary. The vein detail always interests me and all the pinks come together very happily! Still no blog to share with you although I have put a photo of a vase of my last sweet peas on Instagram today. I always have a hope, when I plant the seeds, that the plants will flower until November and – hooray – they have again this year! They got off to such a dismal start that I didn’t think it would happen. Thank you for a lovely vase! Amanda

    • Cathy says:

      I love clary sage too and grow both pink and ble varieties. I tries to get a white variety this season too, but it only seemed to be available in a mix. I am amazed at the idea of your sweet peas in November, but I recall from other ears it is not unusual for you. Are you any nearer getting your new blog going yet?

      • the running wave says:

        No, no closer. I can’t seem to find a free version of WordPress and even on their website, watching the tutorial video, it mentions the various cost plans. I am not quite sure what to do. I don’t know any other bloggers who live nearby to be able to sit down and set it up, as I did with Blogger 8 years ago. It seems ridiculous when so many others are quite happily blogging away, on both Blogger and WordPress. I seem to have failed miserably! Blogger just makes me cross because they have completely excluded me even though I upgraded my browser, at their request, which has totally upset my whole laptop, iPhoto -the lot. And ignored my requests for assistance!! Grrrrr! Anyway, I can still check in with you every Monday, and the other lovely blogs and make do with Instagram meantime! Have a good week. A

        • Cathy says:

          I really feel for you and your frustrations, Amanda. Blogger’s treatment of you is despicable, even more so that they do not respond to your requests. However, I have googled and looking at there seems no reason why this shouldn’t lead you to anything other than a free site if that is the route you are choosing to take

          • the running wave says:

            Thanks so much Cathy. I will click on the link and see what happens! Whoo hoo! Fingers crossed! A x

  8. Kris P says:

    Absolutely beautiful, Cathy! I love that Chrysanthemum. I don’t even try to grow those here but of course I wish I could. My dahlias and zinnias are providing their last hurrah this week, unless the two buds on Dahlia ‘Rancho’ finally open, which I give only a 50-50 chance. Thanks for hosting and here’s my post:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Kris. Our first frost last year was the second week in November, so I am very aware that mine could meet their demise soon too.

  9. Eliza Waters says:

    Such a pretty combination, Cathy. Those mums are the exact color of lilacs… guess you know where my sights are resting!

  10. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Remembering Summer | Words and Herbs

  11. Chloris says:

    You are pretty in pink today. I particularly love the chrysanthemum. The rose quartz is fabulous. I am joining in today, I have been having internet troubles but now we have a new router so I’m back in business.

  12. Cathy says:

    Seven years?! Oh my goodness, how time flies! I think I joined you the year after you started. Will definitely join the challenge next week. 😃 Lovely pinks this week Cathy… it is refreshing to see non-typical autumn colours. The Clary sage is especially pretty. And the Caithness vase too!
    My vase also has hints of pink today:
    Thanks as always! xx

  13. Anna says:

    Oh that is a most pretty chrysanthemum Cathy and a summery looking vase. I like some chrysanthemum flowers but can’t abide the aroma of their leaves. I now have a few ‘Beaujolais Bonnets’ to overwinter and look forward to seeing them in flower next year. Cant’ believe that it has been seven years since your very first IAVOM post! 😄

  14. Cathy your magnificent vase of pink and purple flowers I love: I love all flowers. The Chrysanthemum is divine, the Amaranth and the Scabious are fantastic and I really like the physothegia. Rose quartz is divine. Cathy next week IAVOM 7th Anniversary! Congratulations from the heart! Cathy I have followed you for several years, although since my dear Father passed away last year I do not follow you because I do not want to but because I cannot, but I think of you. Take good care of yourself and the golfer and keep yourself safe. I have seen on the news that you are going to be confined at home in the UK for a while. Hopefully Covid goes down a lot. I wish you all the best. Very affectionate greetings from Margarita xx
    P. D. I could not respond to your comment in which you asked me when was the last time I saw my garden. I couldn’t open a box to reply. I answer you now. Since August 1, 2019 when we came to Madrid running to admit my Father to the Madrid Emergency Hospital and on the 11th she passed away.

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