In a Vase on Monday: Keep the Home Fires Burning

There are a number of bright sparks warming up the cutting beds at the moment and they have come together to burn brightly in today’s vase: Calendula ‘Indian Prince’ and ‘Snow Princess’, Zinnia ‘Orange King’ and ‘Benary Giant Mixed’, Rudbeckia ‘Marmalade’ and just-opening buds of ‘Rustic Dwarf’, Scabious ‘Burgundy Beau’, Amaranthus ‘Hot Biscuits’ and some random orange nasturtium that was packeted as ‘Crimson Emperor’ (grrr!).

They joined forces with a pleasingly shaped Royal Doulton jug in cream glazed china with an orange trim around the neck and on the handle, one I often turn to when there are fiery blooms to display. Today, although unexpectedly sunny, is only pleasantly warm is not Hot, so instead of going down the ‘hot hot hot’ route I turned to the warmth of home fires, giving me the chance to use this prop, a miniature ‘fender’, originally destined for a doll’s house. I am well aware that the US has a different use for the term ‘fender’, but in this UK instance it refers to a ‘low metal frame around an open fireplace that stops the coal or wood from falling out’, a feature now rarely seen in modern homes.

Do have a look in your own garden or forage in your locality and see what you could find to pop into your own vase today; whether warming or cooling, it will undoubtedly bring you pleasure over the next few days. I may be thrilled to have grown zinnias successfully this year, but I am equally thrilled with the simple calendula in the jug which until this year have been rather substandard. Simple or grand, wild or tame, every IAVOM contribution is welcome, so leave the usual links to and from this post so we can enjoy them too.


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38 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Keep the Home Fires Burning

  1. Pingback: this week's bouquet - In My Spare Time

  2. Beautiful bright glowing colors seem to be the status of the high summer garden here too. Yours are lovely shades of red and orange that make me feel fall is just around the corner, Your jug is the perfect container for them.
    Thank you for educating us with a new definition for “fender”. I have never heard that before or dare say I’ve never even seen one in the U.S. But I do like the idea of it and it’s very practical application.
    Happy week to you Cathy and thank you again for hosting us.

    this week’s bouquet

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Cindy – I am really enjoying the vibrancy of the Indian Prince calendula, which is why there are lots of them in the mix

  3. pbmgarden says:

    A beautiful and happy jug. Glad you’ve had good success with your zinnias. They do seem like summer to me. Thanks for hosting.

    In A Vase On Monday – Texture And Whimsy

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Susie – even the spare zinnias I shoved in the shrub border are coming into flower, so it is clearly a good year for them

  4. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Pink Dandelions | Wild Daffodil

  5. Nothing quite as cheering as a jug of bright flowers. I love Hot Biscuits just for its name. I had a brass fireplace fender at one point, it was from the early 1900s. Maybe the name just died out when cars came along? Your Zinnias are gorgeous, I had some errant seed pop up in the garden…they are dwarfed by the heat and I almost did not recognize them as Zinnias. Here is my mad vase, thanks for hosting

    • Cathy says:

      You have come across a brass fireplace fender yourself – whoohoo! There are dwarfer varieties of zinnia available in the UK but I think I will always prefer the statelier ones

      • Yes, a friend’s grandmother had a big house built in the 1920s in Athens, Georgia – the fender came from her house. My grandmother had Andirons. I asked my husband (a retired Architect) and he said “of course I know what fenders are!) I like the statelier Zinnias too.

  6. bcparkison says:

    Bright and happy!

  7. Pingback: In A Vase on Monday – Contrasts | Eliza Waters

  8. Eliza Waters says:

    Lovely, vibrant blooms, Cathy. I love the vivid colors we get at this time of the year, esp. with zinnias. I have my eye on C.’Snow Princess’ for next year. 🙂
    Here are my equally vibrant bouquets this week:×5 Thanks for hosting!

    • Cathy says:

      The cutting beds are the only part of the garden where there are really vibrant blooms, that’s why I have been so thrilled with them. The blooms on Snow Princess fade from their original opening colour, so a grouping of them looks really effective

  9. Noelle M says:

    Keep the home fires burning, put on your lipstick and smile, keeping our spirits up. Yes a fine outcome from adhering to weekly ‘rhythm’ of IAVOM. Here is my ‘cooler’ bouquet this week:

  10. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: The Sunhat Party 😃 | Words and Herbs

  11. Cathy says:

    Phew! Yes, a hot collection today. We have the weather to match here. 😉 The Burgundy scabious look very happy among the hotter reds and oranges – nice colour combination. And your prop is ingenious this week!
    Here is my vase Cathy. Thank you, and have a good week!😃/

    • Cathy says:

      Sunny again here today too, although still just pleasantly warm. I wasn’t sure about the scabious but was fascinated by the texture of the bloom and was eager to examine it more closely – glad you liked to see it Cathy

  12. Kris P says:

    I love the hot colors but I’m glad to hear that you don’t have weather to match. Much of the US has been hot but my own area has remained reasonably comfortable, at least so far. My color choices are on the cooler end of the spectrum too. Thanks as always for hosting, Cathy. Here’s my post:

  13. the running wave says:

    What a wonderful fiery vaseful of flowers Cathy! I really love zinnias! Yours are lovely. I’ve given up hope with mine! What spectacular colours for a summer’s day. Actually it’s a distinctly cool day here on Scotland’s east coast. A cold westerly wind, so your vase has warmed me up a bit! Thank you. Amanda

    • Cathy says:

      Thansk Amanda. Is there any life in your zinnias at all? It took me a few years to crack them – the main thing was not to crowd them amongst other things. And I found sowing them earlier than sometimes suggested gave a better chance of a longer flowering season

      • the running wave says:

        I think both your points are entirely relevant to my zinnias! I have grown them in the past, not with enormous success but certainly better than these. I left sowing them because the seed packet advised sowing whenever I did so – can’t remember now, it was so long ago! They took forever to get to anywhere near worth planting out, and where they are planted out, in my raised bed in the hope of using them for cutting (ha ha!!) they have subsequently been swamped by self sown nasturtium and calendula! So, thank you for those two tips. I will certainly take that on board for next year!! A

  14. Anna says:

    Oh we both have some sultry sizzle in our vases this week Cathy 😀 I do the look of that scabious so much so that I will have to go and write it’s name down forthwith. I have a feeling that scabious can be sown in September. ‘Snow Princess’ is a really pretty calendula. As you say fenders are rarely seen these days now along with coal fires. My hot vase is here :

  15. Sorry not to have time to join yesterday. Lovely fire colours. Turning to autumn now?!

    • Cathy says:

      Participating is not obligatory, and I am sure you will still be picking posies that we don’t see on IAVOM. Turning to autumn? Hmm, not sure about that – more high summer than autumnal colours in the vase I think

  16. Annette says:

    Now there’s a vase on fire! Very uplifting, Cathy, where would we be without the flowers especially in times like these? I promise you a vase for next week – it’s time to get creative again and put the worries in the cupboard (at least from time to time 😉 ). Wishing you both a good week xx

    • Cathy says:

      Don’t forget Annette that you can be pro-active about issues without them being ‘worries’ – and they needn’t affect your creativity x

  17. Cathy divine flowers with a cheerful color and the joy of summer, I love them. It is a magnificent, wonderful vase, I love it. I am very glad that you have cultivated the Zinnias very well this year, I love them. The Fireplace Defense Miniature is adorable. I am sorry I have been absent for so long, but the operation of my Mother’s right eye has not gone very well. The falls have been removed, that was easy. But malignant glaucoma has progressed too quickly since my mother signed the consent for the operation on March 5 until the operation was performed on July 6: this delay by Covid-19 has not been good for her eye. With her eye she sees double, her head always hurts, both eyes and she is always dizzy. In addition he made drops in the eye every x hours. I hope you stop seeing double. Cathy hope you and the golfer are in good health. Enjoy your wonderful garden. My mother and I are in Madrid holding temperatures of 37ºC and some days we have been at 40ºC, but the worst thing is that at night we have 23ºC although when I go to bed at 01:00 am on my mobile I see the temperature and yesterday we were at 26ºC. But we cannot move from Madrid because of my mother’s eye and because of the large number of Covid-19 outbreaks throughout Spain, we are afraid to travel to the country house when my mother heals from the eye that will take quite. Take care. Very affectionate greetings from Margarita.

    • Cathy says:

      I am sorry to hear that your Mother’s eye operation has not been an immediate success, Margarita, and hope that there will still be some improvement and that the dizziness, headaches and double vision will soon wear off. What a shame you are unable to go to your country house as the Madrid heat must be very uncomfortable for you. My thoughts are with you

  18. tonytomeo says:

    That certainly is vibrant! Is Royal Doulton the same as ‘Royal Doulton with hand painted periwinkles’ of ‘Keeping Up Appearances’?

    • Cathy says:

      I guess so – Royal Doulton is a world famous Staffordshire pottery, founded in 1815, but whether there is actually a design with handpainted periwinkles is anyone’s guess! How curious that you should pick up on this – is the programme popular in the US?

      • tonytomeo says:

        It got here late, but was popular because there is nothing like it and the other English comedies here. ‘Are You Being Served’ and ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ were also popular for a while. I was told that by the time I saw them, that they were already quite old.

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