In a Vase on Monday: Change of Plan

I did have a blue and white vase in mind for today, not this one but one containing blue and white Anemone blanda; when I came to cut the flowers, however, there were no longer any blue anemones in a fit state for picking. Nearby, though, was a clump of grape hyacinth which begged to be used as an alternative and in adjacent beds were the bi-coloured comfrey, Symphytum ‘Hidcote Blue’ and the first blooms on Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’. Walking back to the house they were joined by stems of Arabis ‘Old Gold’ and leucojum.

Foliage was provided courtesy of the comfrey and the blooms popped into biodegradable floral foam in a random blue and white teacup, topped with moss. In view of the deepening Covid-19 crisis, my 2020 calendar seemed an appropriate prop to reflect not only the change of plan for my vase but the endless change of plans that all of us will need to make in the coming months, still a barely conceivable prospect.

Spring works to its own timetable in our gardens and makes its own decisions, so if it has gifted you blooms or other material please consider creating a vase of your own today and maybe sharing it with us by using the usual links to and from this post.

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37 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Change of Plan

  1. the running wave says:

    What an adorable collection of flowers, and I love blue and white china, so a delightful vase too! Those soft blues and white with a little tinge of pink – scrumptious! Thanks Cathy, as always. Amanda

  2. So pretty.
    I didn’t know arabis, and I have leucojum, but never knew their name – so thank you!
    I am self-isolating (no symptoms), so my garden will be such a source of joy over the next few months.

    • Cathy says:

      Arabis is a rockery plant which I have growing over one of the low walls – it always surprises me how early it flowers. You will be able to devote even more of your time to crafting and gardening – but I am sure you would still rather be able to get out and about… It looks as if the Golfer will have to self-isolate soon but we don’t know about any knock-on ramifications yet…

  3. Pingback: In a vase on Monday – Garden Dreaming at Châtillon

  4. Cathy says:

    Hi again Cathy – another lovely vase! I wish my muscari would make stems as long as yours do. The garden is eerily beautiful in the sun this morning, when you think of what’s going on around us. I intend to get out and forget about the wretched virus for a few hours this afternoon. The Bon Viveur is on standby to perhaps come home at a moment’s notice, since work is slack – and we don’t want to be sick in different countries! So yes – change to plan and many months of it to come! Hope you are all well at your end?
    My vase is here …

    • Cathy says:

      They were from such a random clump of muscari, Cathy, just shoved in the ground after being ejected from a pot a few years ago – their long stems amaze me too! We will have to work hard to focus on the good things in life in the coming months, won’t we? Hope the BV gets back before it’s not possible to do so – if it comes to that…

  5. Kris Peterson says:

    The flowers and their matching teacup make a beautiful composition, Cathy. Spring is already in hyperdrive here and I have more flowers at the moment than I know what to do with but you can bet that I tried my best! Thanks for hosting. Here’s my post:

  6. Blue china is my favorite especially when filled with blue flowers. I used to grow the most dreadful Muscari so it is a real pleasure to see yours. My former garden had oddly well drained clay. I love a moss topper, I have yet to see any moss in my garden, hmmm, there must be some somewhere! Here is my vase – stay safe and thanks for hosting

    • Cathy says:

      What is dreadful muscari, Amelia?! I do know how it can go on the rampage sometimes 😉

      • The Muscari in my former garden never got enough water and did not form full stalks of flowers, the flowers were pretty – but there were 3 or 4 per stalk. Dried out looking and dreadful, but blue!

  7. Noelle says:

    Love the arrangement of blue and white, with some usual plants. Good to know that we can carry on regardless with sharing our Vases on Monday. Here is mine:

  8. Chloris says:

    Very pretty. Blue and white makes a nice change from the ubiquitous spring yellow. Stay safe dear Cathy. And thanks so much for my pressie.

    • Cathy says:

      You are so very welcome, Chloris. It is always a joy to put together a blueish vase as it doesn’t happen very often

  9. Cathy your flowers are wonderful and its blue and white with some pink colors make a bouquet that I love. The blue and white porcelain teacup is divine as a vase. I hope with all my heart that the Covid-19 does not advance in the UK to the proportions of Spain. Try to go outside the essentials. To walk and exercise you have your magnificent garden. Follow the instructions of the health authorities. It worries me a lot. Take care. Greetings from Margarita.

    • Cathy says:

      There are a lot of exercise activities that I regularly take part in, Margarita, but it may be I shall have to stick to gardening and walking!

      • Cathy, that would be the most convenient to avoid contagion with the Covid-19. When this hell is over, you’ll be back to your exercise activities again. Now distance with people of 2 meters and the less you go out to the street the better. Walk around your garden now that there is a lot of work to do and make for example a photo album of each day of your garden: flowers that bloom, wilted flowers that you remove, division of root balls and new plantings, jobs, … It would be great to have something like that and would serve as a reference for next year. Take care of yourself and the golfer. Greetings from Margarita.

  10. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: spring is happening | acoastalplot

  11. Sam says:

    Lovely – I do like blue and white and this arrangement looks gorgeous against the dark fire place. I hope all is good with you and you keep well. I have managed to post a vase today, Cathy! Here it is: Thanks for being here. Take care, Sam x

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks, and it’s so good to hear from you Sam. All good here so far, but our regular activities are steadily being curtailed and the Golfer may have to self-isolate soon

  12. Anna says:

    Life is certainly going to be a challenge in the foreseeable future Cathy so a most heartful thanks for providing us with a welcome retreat. Blue and white is such a calming combination. My ‘Jack Frost’ is very much still all foliage but those blue flowers can’t be far away. It’s one of my favourites. Hope that you and the Golfer are well and stay well.

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, the IAVOM show will continue, Anna! Interestingly, my Jack Frost has virtually no leaves, despite its flower sprigs! I have added some green leaved brunneras in the last couple of years, one with white flowers. Both OK here so far and I hope it’s the same for both of you

  13. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Home Comforts | Words and Herbs

  14. Cathy says:

    Very pretty, and I love the way you have photographed the vase with blue and white props too. Hope not too many plans will be affected for you Cathy. Here is my vase for today:
    Many thanks for hosting, as always! 🤗

    • Cathy says:

      Oh well, the colour of the calendar is just a coincedence! I nearly left it open at March, but decided it would give away all my activities! I was due to go to see a musical in Birmingham on Weds, and was uncertain whether to go, but thankfully the decision has been taken from me now as all theatres have been closed.

  15. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday | Cosmos and Cleome

  16. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday -March 16 2020 | Bramble Garden

  17. pbmgarden says:

    A cup of cheer Cathy. I love your blues. That Symphytum is interesting and beautiful. Is it easy or persnickety to grow? Take care and enjoy your garden. Thanks for providing us a nice diversion today from the news.

    In A Vase On Monday – Tender Greens And Purple

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Susie. The symphytum is really easy, low growing and easy to pull out if it spreads too much. You take care as well in these uncertain times

  18. tonytomeo says:

    Ah, leucojum; my fake snowdrops. (I am still none too impresse with snowdrops, but the snowflakes came up on their own.) Grape hyacinth happen to be one of my simple favorites. They were common when I was a kid.

  19. Nice! I like the comfrey in this arrangement ( especially the curling piece).

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