In a Vase on Monday: Clara, Dorothy and Phyllis Come to Tea

I am sure I have brought other lovelies to tea on a previous Monday morning, but today it is the turn of Dahlia ‘Dorothy Rose’, Chrysanthemum ‘Clara Curtis’ and Salvia ‘Phyllis Fancy’, nipped at their heels by Antirrhinum ‘Liberty Classic Rose Pink’.

I picked a sprig of Clara’s cousin, ‘Jessie Cooper’, to include in a posy for a friend last week and was surprised and delighted to find it had a fragrance when brought inside, a fragrance one could perhaps describe as ‘honey’, and Clara appears to have the same. Outside, this fragrance is undetectable, warmth presumably being the necessary trigger. Incidentally, the stems of Jessie Cooper included in the vase of zinnias a fortnight ago are still blooming and looking fresh – having only introduced them to the garden in the last couple of years, it is not surprising that my admiration for these hardy chrysanthemums is growing!

Today’s blooms required a darkish vase to bring out their pinkness, and this pewter effect Prinknash Pottery jug seemed to suit them well. Tea and crustless cucumber sandwiches would be presented on this tiny 1920s or 30s tea set, manufactured from the mottled resin that took over from the more limited colourways of earlier Bakelite.

Next week is – would you believe it?! – the 6th anniversary of In a Vase on Monday and as usual on such an auspicious occasion I would like to set you a challenge: this year, it is to present a miniature vase, perhaps no greater than 6″/15cm tall and wide. There is no obligation to do so, but it can be rewarding to push ourselves into doing something we might not normally do, so do give it a try if you can. There will be a giveaway too, drawn from all those who post any vase next week.

In the meantime, if you are able to find blooms or other material in your gardens today, or if you can forage them locally, then please pop them into a vase or jamjar for your own pleasure or share them with the many followers of IAVOM by adding links to and from this post.

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45 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Clara, Dorothy and Phyllis Come to Tea

  1. Pingback: In Jam Jars on Monday | Wild Daffodil


  3. How sweet, at this time of year, to have a honey scent.
    I found quite a lot of pink in my garden today as well.

  4. Joining your tea today

    Six years you say? Amazing!

  5. alison41 says:

    Always enjoy your posts. Maybe I will bestir myself next year. In my wind-blasted, arid hot garden there’s seldom anything to pick for a vase, but maybe I need to be more inventive.

    • Cathy says:

      Thank you and oh yes, please do bestir yourself Alison – and be as inventive as you like….the ‘rules’ are quite flexible!

  6. Janice Davies says:

    Always look forward to your posts and especially IAVOM. I shall try and join all of you next year 🙂

  7. Noelle says:

    You have a sweet arrangement there this week…and lovely vintage tea things. I too am finding my interest in hardy chrysanthemums burgeoning…those two you show are pretty, and interesting to note one has a scent. My small arrangement is almost a dry run in terms of size for next week!

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Noelle – liking miniature things, I have several little bits of tea sets. Clara has a fragrance too, I discovered – must go back and confirm that in the post, as I intended

  8. the running wave says:

    I love your Clara Curtis in particular Cathy. Such a lovely dusky autumnal pink. Very pretty indeed, together with the two other afternoon tea guests! I still have pops of summer in the garden, although they are looking incredibly soggy with all the rain we currently have. I have gone for autumn leaves this week! I will put my thinking cap on for a tiny offering in celebration of next’s week’s vase! Amanda

  9. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Two-Tone | Words and Herbs

  10. Cathy says:

    A delightful trio and what gorgeous names! I shall now have to go and sniff at my Chrysanthemums and possibly bring one indoors! I only have yellow ones, but your pink one is quite endearing. The pink dahlia is also very pretty. I am happy to be joining you this week:
    Thanks Cathy, and look forward to the challenge next week! 🙂

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Cathy – their n ames made choosing a title easy! The later dahlias have all had much smaller heads – Dorothy was up to 4 or 5 times bigger in her prime!

  11. There’s still so much colour in your garden! Beautiful arrangements! Killer frosts are coming my way, so today’s vase features the last of the annuals…

    In a Vase, on Monday – Zinnias Last Hurrah

  12. Those mums are so pretty and the honey fragrance sounds wonderful.I like the overhead view best. I think the old fashioned single mums may be the best. Here is my fall vase
    Happy Monday and thanks for hosting, dreaming up a miniature anniversary vase already..

  13. Eliza Waters says:

    A great trio, Cathy. ‘Clara’ is esp. lovely. I had a hardy mum once, but it didn’t last. I wonder if we are too cold or damp for them.
    I have a few vases to share this week:

  14. Kris P says:

    Chrysanthemums with scent! How I wish I could grow them. Your Clara is especially pretty. I’m trying to use up my zinnias so I can pull the plants to pave the way for my cool-season garden but the zinnias aren’t prepared to relinquish their spots:

    As always, thanks for hosting, Cathy. Six years – wow!

    • Cathy says:

      It really was a surprise about the scent and if I hadn’t picked them and brought them insude I wouldn’t have known! I have been thinking about pulling upp my few zinnias too, as I don’t thnk the remaining buds will come to anything – I suppose I could cut and bring any stems with buds inside

  15. AlisonC says:

    What fun, and great colours for the time of year. I’m glad Chrysanthemums are having a resurgence. I’ll be sniffing all of mine now to see if I can detect any scent. I also have some in my vase and I love the colours and exuberance of them.

  16. pbmgarden says:

    How nice to have such a lovely trio stop in for tea. The “honey” scented chrysanthemum is amazing to me. Ones I’m familiar with are fragrant but in a sharp, pungent way. As alway, thanks for hosting us Cathy!

    In A Vase On Monday – Café au lait

  17. Pingback: In A Vase On Monday – A Garden Is A Garden

  18. Karen says:

    Such Pretty flowers Cathy, sorry I am late. I love the fragrance of Chrysanthemums but have never encountered one with a honey scent.
    Thanks so much for hosting this meme.

    • Cathy says:

      Hello Karen, don’t worry about the timing – it’s the thought that counts and the meme ‘rules’ are fairly flexible! I do try to respond on the Monday too, but later comments and posts will get left till the next day. Thanks for joining us – it is your first time, I think? You are very welcome

  19. Oh, loveliness! My growing season is over, although I saw a few flowers near the warm house. But we will be down into the mid teens F (-7 to -8 C) this week, which is much colder than normal for this time of year. Brrrr. Enjoy your flowers!

    • Cathy says:

      Ooh yes, that is chilly! No wonder your growing season is ‘over’ – but do you still have any winter flowering plants to bring a window of pleasure during the colour months?

  20. Cathy is a lovely trio who comes to have tea and honey-scented chrysanthemum, I love it. All vintage companions are lovely, from the vase that is divine to the adorable little tea set that accompanies it. The flowers are wonderful all in pink, I love them. Have a great week. Greetings from Margarita.

  21. Oh it sounds as if you have had a visit from a group of lovely great aunts 😀 It’s most interesting to read how you picked up on scent when you bought the chrysanths into the warmth Cathy. I’ve only ever been able to smell the foliage which I don’t like. Must try again with chrysanths as they make for most welcome autumn colour.

    • Cathy says:

      Hmm, I was trying to think if I ever knew any great aunts, Anna…. 😉 Despite knowing how long ‘garage chrysanths’ last in water it has still taken me by surprise how well these single ones do too, with those in a vase 3 weeks ago still in flower….and to have a scent too!

  22. tonytomeo says:

    6″? That is not much of a challenge. Gee, I should do this . . . but not yet. I just don’t want to get involved with another meme just yet.

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