In a Vase on Monday: Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May

… for tomorrow the branch they were growing on will be lopped off!

In the lead up to the garden opening time is indeed very much of the essence and every day needs to be seized and filled productively, but it was not the concept of ‘Old Time is still a-flying’ that Robert Herrick talks about in his poem that triggered this vase, but the fact that a wayward branch of climbing rose ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’, restrained by rope in anticipation of the fence replacement mentioned in yesterday’s post, had taken liberties and had headed way beyond its ‘bus shelter’ location and even the adjacent clematis colonnade. Recent severe pruning of the congested mat of Clematis alpina revealed the full extent of its adventure into the unknown (you can see the main ‘trunk’ of the rose in the top right hand corner of the first picture):

Saving them from their immediate fate, I snipped off all the buds and the one open flower and popped them in today’s vase, along with open blooms from elsewhere on the plant; I am pleased to see that many of the buds are now beginning to open, changing from pink streaked creamy yellow to a pale blush pink as they do so and with an old rose fragrance adding to their virginal beauty.

Time is not actually money in terms of garden opening preparation, but this vintage tin and card money-box still seemed an appropriate prop although it was not as handy as it might have been…

It was only yesterday that I disposed of the two-week old tulip vase which I have been enjoying, but the roses are now accompanied instead by trimmings from the Winter Sunshine sweet peas which had reached the roof of the greenhouse: love those tendrils!

If you have time to join us for IAVOM today then please do, or at least pick flowers from your gardens for your own delectation: you won’t regret it!

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66 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May

  1. Pingback: In a Vase: Irises | Wild Daffodil

  2. Busy busy! Your garden is looking lush!
    Here is my ode the bearded iris:

    • Cathy says:

      It certainly feels lush, Sandra, and there are so many fragrances as I ramble round the garden, including a general smell of GREEN!

  3. Anna says:

    As good as reason for any for for filling a vase with beautiful scented blooms Cathy. I’m sure that you would probably like more hours in the day just now but make sure that you stop and sit occasionally 🙂 I have a rose in my vase too – a solitary but special one :

    • Cathy says:

      Lots of the buds have opened out now as well, Anna, which I am thrilled about, as this often doesn’t happpen when I pick roses in bud – the whole vase is looking really frothy now. I am off to look at your special rose now…

  4. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: A Summer Breeze | Words and Herbs

  5. Cathy says:

    It is always nice to have a good reason for cutting flowers, although I often cut them for vases for no reason these days too, thanks to your meme! LOL! The vase must smell delicious with the sweet peas too. A very pretty pictiure. 🙂 I hope you have some perfect weather over the next few weeks for the preparations. It is very hot here, so my vase is aimed at cooling us down:

    • Cathy says:

      It excused me from having to choose what to pick though!! We have had hot weather recently too and hence the thunderstorms but it has been more comfortable in the the last day or two, as the storms cleared the air a lot

  6. pbmgarden says:

    Madame Alfred Carrière looks lovely in a vase Cathy. I love how each week there’s an insight and we decide, “Oh, I can use that in my vase this week.” Enjoy your preparations.

    In A Vase On Monday – May Dazzle

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Susie, and yes, there is invariably a synchronicity when it comes to creating each Monday vase – I can’t remember when things were last a struggle to put together 😉

  7. Joanna says:

    She is a beautiful rose and looks lovely in your vase! I love Robert Herrick’s poem, too! 🙂 Those sweet peas must be a delight!
    My offering this week:

    • Hi Joanna, I couldn’t comment on your website for some reason, but thank you for these lovely pictures of your tulips – ours are all over now so it is nice to see them still going strong elsewhere in the world and you have a great range of colours in your garden.

      • Joanna says:

        Yes, I don’t know what is going on with the comments right now! I even tried posting a test comment myself and it said there was an error. Hopefully it’s just a temporary problem with Weebly! Thank you for letting me know! 🙂

    • Cathy says:

      The vase looks really frothy now as more buds have opened. Glad you liked the poetic reference – it was perfect for today!

    • Kris P says:

      I was also unable to comment on your site, Joanna. Your tulips are lovely! I hope the cat didn’t flatten any of them!

    • Cathy says:

      I haven’t been able to submit my comment on your blog, Joanna, as it keeps telling me there is an error…

      • Joanna says:

        I don’t know what Weebly is doing today! The same happened when I tired to post a test comment. Sorry about that! 😦

    • Joanna, I could not comment on your site. Your vase was beautiful. So many tulips! I love them all! But I especially love that feline garden variety 🙂

      • Joanna says:

        There is some problem with the website today apparently! Thanks so much for letting me know and taking the time to comment here! 🙂 I was excited to see the kitty in the tulips too…it was so cute! 😀

  8. Pingback: In a vase on Monday – Madonna, che bello! – Creating my own garden of the Hesperides

  9. Christina says:

    Such a beautiful rose; I used to have one in my old garden; one of the few that will take a north facing position. I haven’t picked any roses this year and I’ve actually removed quite a few from the garden because they don’t ‘do’ here. Here’s my link to what I did pick:

    • Cathy says:

      I would do the same, Christina, with plants that just are not performing – or preferably give them away. MME AC is so reliable and doesn’t mind not being properly deadheaded as I can’t reach the upper parts unless I get a ladder out which I leave till the end of the seaon when I prune her

  10. Wow that is quite the project but you get a lovely rose vase out of it….and the title of this vase is perfect. Busy time in our gardens, but I have a couple of vases for you this week trying to take advantage of some lovely blooms….everything is flowering at once this year.

    May Ends With A Burst

  11. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Hot and bothered – Carrots and Calendula

  12. Love Rosa Madame Alfred Carrière – I have one which I planted this year and only one bloom so far, but am enjoying it. Good luck for your open garden. Here is my hot and bothered vase this week:

  13. The roses look so lush and healthy, the scent must be heavenly. Good luck with getting the garden ready. Happy Gardening.

  14. Chloris says:

    Now ,there is another aristocratic lady, if a bit over enthusiastic now and then.

    • Cathy says:

      Well yes, she does get ideas which are perhaps above her station, but she is so good natured about it that she is easily forgiven 🙂

  15. Lovely rose and a good reason to bring some indoors. Open gardens are fun and exciting but also lots of work and nervous anticipation. I’m doing it in late July so I look forward to hearing all about your event. Even though it is a red/white/blue holiday here, I went with the very last Tulips:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Linda. I liek ahveing an end date to work to as it ensures thigs get done in a timely way 😉 Hope YOUR preparations are going well too…

  16. tonytomeo says:

    How unfortunate that it needed to be pruned while blooming! I just had to cut back some red twig dogwood that looked great from the outside. (I dislike them anyway.) I hated to take something that looked so lush and happy and slice all the nice foliage off of one side. I know it will be back. I will not look at it much.

    • Cathy says:

      I suppose it needn’t be cut, but it would need to be securely tied up otherwise and it would get in the way of the clematis

  17. Peter Herpst says:

    It’s that time of year, isn’t it? My containers hold climbing rose loppings as well. Your garden opening will be a smashing success!

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, I will need to go round and trim all sorts of overhanging branches and stems before we open, Peter, remembering that most people are a lot taller than I am!!

  18. Kris P says:

    I don’t think of roses as aggressive but that one’s certainly pushy! Actually, I wouldn’t mind it if my own roses were much more assertive than they’ve been this year. Having read you last post, I know you’re making great progress on your open-garden preparations. Thank you for taking time for IAVOM as well! Here’s my post:

    • Cathy says:

      She is a climbing rose, Kris, and on checking I see she can reach 4-8 metres in 5-10 years!! Thanks for your good wishes for our preparations

  19. ks says:

    My vase was a pruning (shovel pruning that is) operation as well!

  20. Cathy those buds of roses so beautiful that they change from yellow to pale pink when opening with an old rose perfume I love them. The Winter Sunshine Sweet Peas are very beautiful. The vase you have used, the white jug, is the ideal vase for roses and sweet peas: a vintage bouquet with a vintage vase. A magnificent bouquet And the accompaniment, the vintage money box is a treasure. A combination that is gorgeous. I like very much. Take care. Greetings from Margarita.

  21. Alison C says:

    She is a beauty and must be enhancing your home rather than the pergola.You must have plenty to do but I’m sure you have a list and are brilliantly organised. I make lists but don’t always get back to read them! In spite of an extra day off I’ve had no time to write my blog post. I have posted it on Instagram which is marginally quicker though the typing in of all the # drives me demented. It’s very important though, apparently, and I do use #IAVOM. My vase stars Winter Sunshine Sweet Peas which I first heard about here and are doing so well. Some will be in a bridal bouquet made by a local florist next weekend. 🙂
    This might take you to it. I’m not sure how it works, it’s all a complete mystery to me and a huge waste of time.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Alison and well done for trying to keep on top of everything yourself. What fun to know your blooms might be in a wedding bouquet – will this be a first? I’m off to try the link…

    • Cathy says:

      Well, the link takes me to your picture but I can’t comment as I don’t have an a/c and don’t want one! Your little posy is so pretty and demonstrates the benefits of floristry training

  22. The roses are lovely. Will try to be more faithful in participating as we get settled into our new life.

    In a Vase on Monday: The Wandering Gardener

  23. Ali says:

    Such a lovely rose and sweet peas. GREEN is the best smell.

  24. janesmudgeegarden says:

    Madame A is a favourite of mine. She decorated the front verandah at my previous house and was very reliable. She looks splendid in your vase.

  25. Your sweet peas and roses are amazing. My sweet peas were complete fail due to a storm, so I am living vicariously through you. 🙂 Our lily of the valley finally bloomed, and I am sharing a small vase today. Hope you like it! 🙂

  26. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Scented Sweet Peas – Gardening Nirvana

  27. I love the promise of a rose bud, and what an adorable tin bank. It’s charming. It looks like you’ve been keeping quite busy in the garden. It’s far too hot for us today (86 F or 30C). I hope we get some more cool days ahead.

    I joined the meme today:

    Thank you as always for hosting.

  28. Diana Studer says:

    My contribution is a hand of lady finger bananas, ripening in my vase.
    (How exciting, and nerve-wracking to be heading for an open garden!)

  29. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday – Marvelous Manly, Sydney Harbour | Views from my garden bench

  30. Your roses look wonderful –
    I’m ridiculously late even for me – but I thought you’d like to see some sunshine and a walk in Sydney.
    but I’ve got another Vase for this Monday (5th) a proper vase 🙂 so I’m writing that post at the moment… 🙂 I’m blaming it on still being in a different time zone even though I’m back in the UK.
    Love bec

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