In a Vase on Monday: Something in the Air

It was a glorious morning yesterday, with clear blue skies, a definite feeling of warmth in the sun, and temperatures here up to at least 14°C. It was the culmination of a week of noticeable changes in the garden, of buds breaking, bulbs pushing their way out the soil and tightly closed snowdrops and gnarled witch hazels opening fully. It was a week when many UK gardeners found themselves suddenly active in their gardens again, their creative sap rising as if in tune with that of the precious plants in their gardens. There was almost something tangible present or, at the very least,something in the air.

Here at the ‘Pink House’, there has been a single cheerful bloom on one of my early indoor narcissi, ‘Erlicheer’, and no amount of cajoling was going to add to their number this week, so to avoid a lonely week in a vase by itself a few friends had to called into service. Not that I had to look far, as my Sunday morning ramble in the garden was surprisingly punctuated by the sight of the first crocus (Have I had crocus in bloom in January before? Not sure…) – then a second…and a third…and… An uninvited stray in one of the old borders was the first sighting, then a tiny clump in the streamside grass, then a number dotted around the shrub border, all coaxed out by the relative warmth and sunshine. Three little blooms were joined by the same number of snowdrops, Galanthus ‘Blewbury Tart’, and a sprig of witch hazel ‘Magic Fire’.

The new season blooms were popped into a tiny green crocus vase, never a successful vessel for growing crocus, I have found. The little yellow ‘cocktail umbrella’ was initially a nod to the sunniness of the time they were picked, but could easily also hint at the inclemency of the weather which has seen a real mix of dampness and sunshine during the previous week – ideal weather for kickstarting the growing process perhaps, despite the initial morning coolness.

I know some other bloggers are also enjoying ‘firsts’ of the season at the moment, and I wonder how many will appear in vases on IAVOM. Whether or not you have any ‘firsts’ this week, do consider picking blooms or other material from your garden to pop into a vase or jamjar – most of us are by and large plonkers so don’t ever feel that you are ‘no good at arranging’ as that is not what this meme is about. We just want to encourage people to extend the enjoyment of their gardens by bringing the outside in – so do consider joining us if you haven’t done so before; by including links to and from this post we can then all share in the pleasure your vase has brought you. See you soon!

ps ‘Dancing Queen’ did last almost the full three weeks so she was definitely worth cutting

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57 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Something in the Air

  1. Pingback: In a vase on Monday – all white now | Duver Diary

  2. jenhumm116 says:

    What a lovely ‘springy’ vase! I know what you mean about the weather, which makes it even more unforgivable that I spent most of the weekend on the sofa googling sofas and rugs….
    Here’s mine:

    In a vase on Monday – all white now

    • Cathy says:

      But did you reach a conclusion about your sofas and rugs…? Hope so 🙂 I had several hours of that last week (albeit on a rainy day) trying to work out a holiday in Ireland with the campervan, but at least the ferry is booked and a rough itinerary planned 😉

  3. Anna says:

    Oh in the words of Mr. Leonard Cohen ‘You Got Me Singing’ once more Cathy and I will be doing so now for the rest of the day. Your vase of mid winter beauties is enchanting. There certainly was a distinct hint yesterday that spring is tantalisingly near but this morning calls for a much bigger version of your yellow cocktail umbrella. Crocuses are croaking here too which does seem very early. Not surprisingly I have a one flower vase this week and you can probably guess what lies within in over here :

  4. Alison C says:

    Oh I agree, something is changing though the good weather was short lived here and I was driven inside by more rain.
    How lovely to see crocuses and narcissus – this is such a hopeful happy vase. I must try some indoors next year. I adore your Witch Hazels and am happy to report that mine is flowering profusely. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us. Here is my link:

    • Cathy says:

      Raining again here today too, Alison – but it is brightening up now – and it’s still mild. I am still smiling at teh shock of finding those crocus in bloom!

  5. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday – Tulip Time! – Creating my own garden of the Hesperides

  6. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    You managed a vase full of spring this week. It makes me forget it is only January. Happy IAVOM.

  7. Christina says:

    That’s a lovely joyful spring vase Cathy; the colour of the witch hazel is gorgeous. The tulips lived up to the promise of last week.
    Thanks for hosting and the advice about the dahlias.

  8. Noelle says:

    So pleased you have had sunshine. Those little crocus look magnificent, and having them in a vase makes peering into them very easy. Blewbury Tart is rather fetching….maybe a match for Elwesii?

    • Cathy says:

      The crocuses were clearly overjoyed to see that sun yesterday, Noelle! I like B Tart as the blooms tend to look a little irregular and quirky and hold their heads at a couldn’t-care-less sort of angle (and I could probably spare you a bulb if you email me your new address…)

  9. pbmgarden says:

    That first paragraph read so beautifully I had to reread it to catch every drop of pleasure and enthusiasm you must be feeling at these early signs of spring. Glorious collection of blooms, such a treat. Spring is less eager here but I’m optimistic after seeing your lovely vase. Thanks for hosting Cathy!

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks for your kind words, Susie – there really was something tangible in the air, and it seems to have continued depite today’s showers. Some years there is a noticeable change in the quality of light too – don’t thk I have noticed that yet

  10. Pingback: In a Bowl on Monday | Wild Daffodil

  11. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Once in a Blue Moon | Words and Herbs

  12. Cathy says:

    Ooh, spring is early in your garden – how lovely for you! And even more wonderful that you can share it with us all. 🙂 The crocuses always surprise me too, and we have had some milder days (even a bit of sunshine) here too, but I think we might need a week or two more for them as our temperatures are supposed to drop again mid week. I love that idea of the gardener’s sap rising!
    Hope your mild spell continues Cathy. Happy gardening!

    • Cathy says:

      Still mild today, but damp, and I think temperaures are meant to be dropping again – but things have certainly been kickstarted. The crocuses were a lovely surprise!

  13. Love the collection of spring in January, the narcissus is a beauty and the background is perfect. I never got those bulb vases to work. My first zinnias are in my vase.

  14. Joanna says:

    Oh this is delgihtful!! I can’t imagine having spring blooms at the end of January! It’s about -15C this morning and supposed to get colder by the end of the week. The snow is about 30 inches deep and drifts up to 8 feet. So your little blossoms made my day! 🙂

  15. Oh my I am so jealous that you have blooms in January, The best I can say is once in late February I had some early crocus and I may see a snowdrop or 2 in Feb if we have had a warmer winter. Not this year I can safely say as February will be as cold as January. Oh well I am enjoying my indoor blooms and will start some of my annual flowers this week too! It will have to suffice until March as that may be the earliest for possible outside blooms.

    Here is my vase this week with some winter wonderland scenes….

    Winter Scenes To Melt My Heart

  16. Lucky you! We did have a beautiful day Saturday which felt more like March than January. But then it started to snow late in the day reminding us that we still have lots of winter to come. Can’t wait to be able to create something as lovely as yours. My offering is here:

    • Cathy says:

      Such a changeable season for many of us, it seems. It was a refreshing change to have something new like crocus to add to the vase today

  17. Pingback: In A Vase On Monday: Iris and Daphne – Carrots and Calendula

  18. What a stunning collection of firsts Cathy! I think you are right that crocuses are earlier than usual this year and yours are so pretty. I particularly like your ‘Blewbury Tart’ snowdrop – is that named after the village in Oxfordshire? And I am still envious of your ‘Magic Fire’ witch hazel which is definitely on my wish list. The Iris and Daphne in my vase were both out last week, but they have really come into their own this week in the warmer weather!

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks, Ciar. Yes, BT was named after where it was first found, as many snowdrops are – or after who found them. The milder temperatures have been kind to us in so many different ways, haven’t they?

  19. Peter Herpst says:

    A sweet collection of first blooms! My snowdrops are just about ready to open and there are no crocus yet but the witch hazels are in full swing. It’s an exciting time of year!

  20. Those first signs of spring always put a smile on my face. Although spring flowers are short lived don’t think anyone can get that kick- start for the coming season without them.

    • Cathy says:

      And the blooms tend to open so suddenly, taking advantage of a sudden boost in temperature – no wonder they gladden our hearts!

  21. Kris P says:

    I love the crocus, one of the many plants that doesn’t want to grow in my little pocket of the world. My Hippeastrum bloomed last week but no other bulbs have followed thus far. The Freesias should be the first if I was to venture a guess – some already have buds. The winds are blowing here (again!) and it’s verging on hot but of course I have flowers:

    Thanks for hosting, Cathy!

    • Cathy says:

      I don’t think I have ever tried freesias – perhaps something for another year if I can buy them in a single colour. My indoor bulbs have made such a welcome contribution this year, but finding the crocus was such a surprise, and there are buds on leucojum outside too, oh, and one or two Tete a Tete, which seems very early

  22. “most of us are by and large plonkers so don’t ever feel that you are ‘no good at arranging’ as that is not what this meme is about. We just want to encourage people to extend the enjoyment of their gardens by bringing the outside in”… an excellent reminder why this meme is so valuable!

    My simple vase is a new purchase, brought back from Paris…

  23. Cathy first of all thank you very much for your advice on the Dalias. It has been very amble. Your vase is wonderful and anticipates the longed for Spring. The “Erlicheer” Narcissus is really beautiful. The Crocuses are beautiful. Galantus “Blewbury pie” are divine. The twig of Hamamelis “Magic fire” I love. If my Dalias grow, I will make a vase and publish it. Greetings from Margarita.

  24. An uplifting post, Cathy. Your first paragraph alone is an ode to Spring, but then you add the pretty flowers in the vase and — there you go. Thanks for sharing.

  25. tonytomeo says:

    Oh, CROCUS! (I am getting tired of all the snowdrops.) Crocus are not that great here, and do not often naturalize, but I like them anyway because people who move here from other places still plant them (and they bloom for the first year, and maybe the second). I know they are common for everyone else, but they seem exotic and fancy to me.

    • Cathy says:

      Here in the UK the birds tend to peck at yellow ones so I only ever plant the purple ones

      • tonytomeo says:

        My favorite are the ‘Pickwick’ with the blue and white stripes I typically do not like such color combinations much, but those are the ones I remember. Although white is my favorite color, I do not think that white crocus are much to look at.

  26. smallsunnygarden says:

    I can feel the delight of your suddenly flowering garden, and your little parasol certainly brought a smile! The weather has been smiling on the garden here too, resulting in a rather unusual combination of blooms again this week…:

  27. Chloris says:

    You felt it too? Yes spring was definitely in the air on Sunday and again today with sun bringing on the aconites and the dear little ‘tommies’. Yours look so pretty in the vase with your precious snowdrops, narcissus and witch hazel. I bet it smells wonderful.

    • Cathy says:

      Definitely something different. Chloris, and one of our chickens has laid again today, so they can clearly feel it too 🙂 It’s surprising how much fragrance there can be from tiny blooms sometimes

  28. rickii says:

    How delightful that the colors of your random finds work so well together.

  29. Ali says:

    I’ve had issues with vases for crocuses too!!

    • Cathy says:

      Glad it’s nit just me – althoughbthe ones that come with vases always seem to look rather dried up and unpromising anyway…

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