In a Vase on Monday: Spring Snowflakes

IMG_4206It seems ages since a Monday morning last came round that had no pre-conceived ideas about a vase – opportunities just seemed to present themselves so it was quite refreshing to scour the garden with fresh eyes. Including Leucojum vernum, undeservedly the poor summer snowflake relation of the more well known snowdrop, was soon top of the agenda as I have been watching it push up its bright green spikes for weeks alongside the duller green foliage of the snowdrops – then all of a sudden it was flowering, my attention having wandered to the competing beauties of the snowdrops, both specials and ordinaries. Chloris mentioned the leucojum in her garden yesterday, quite rightly suggesting these ones are much prettier than their later L aestivum cousins which seem to be all leaf and little flower.

IMG_4210The stems of the leucojum are relatively short, so its companions needed to be equally short – no problem: I could spare three short side shoots of Hamamelis ‘Arnold Promise’ and the upper part of a stem of Hellebore foetidus to join it in this tiny green crocus vase, more petite even than last week’s purple version.IMG_4211 The iris in the latter vase sadly lasted only a couple of days, but the lonicera is still fine and dandy, the buds opening up nicely over the week, and the cyclamen leaf looks as fresh as ever, both without any conditioning. They have been joined by a little posy of Galanthus ‘Flore Pleno’, the pretty double version of the common snowdrop.

There has been a fine drizzle all morning here, so photographs inside were required, the vase sitting on a paper ‘doiley’, not quite a snowflake but a nod in that direction. A group IMG_4212of tiny pyramidal apophyllite crystals served as additional props for the same reason. Apophyllite is believed to be a powerful crystal beneficial for meditation and connection to the spiritual world. To provide a contrasting background for the vase and props a piece of bright green felt was placed on the floor, probably better (and certainly less alarming) than the alternative citrus yellow piece I brought down from the loft at the same time! Nearly forgot to mention the additional foliage – a sprig of lime green ivy.

So that is today’s vase, another Monday challenge completed. You would be most welcome to join me and others in posting a vase every Monday or just once in a while. The spirit of the meme is to find material in your own garden or foraged locally to place in a container – but it is after all a personal challenge so there are no strict rules – but so we can all share in what you have found it would be good if you could leave a link from your post to this, and from a comment on this post back to yours. See you soon! 🙂


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54 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Spring Snowflakes

  1. Christina says:

    Very pretty, I liked Leucojum vernum when I saw it in Chloris’ post and it looks lovely in a vase too, I wonder if it might like my conditions better than the snowdrops. Thanks for hosting Cathy. Here is my link:

  2. Pingback: In a vase on Monday – Little and Large | Creating my own garden of the Hesperides

  3. Pam says:

    Another lovely vase, Cathy with wonderful snowflakes and hellebores. I’m (not yet ) a galanthophile, probably a heretical statement to some of your followers, and to be honest I prefer the snowflake in all it’s modest beauty. Mine are not showing yet and the ones planted last autumn have probably rotted. My visit to Easton on Wenesday will hopefully be successful with hellebores and leucojeums filling the boot.

  4. Cathy this vase does fit perfectly for the current weather….a promise of spring in these early weeks and still a possibility of snow and winter. Lovely Hamamelis and Leucojum joined by Hellebore and ivy. I am itching to make vases with outside material, but sadly all is buried even deeper now with our constant almost daily snow and frigid cold.

    But I do have a lovely vase with a new Hippeastrum:

    Flower Tales-Nasturtiums

  5. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Catkins | Words and Herbs

  6. Cathy says:

    You always manage to find something pretty, even on a drizzly day Cathy. I do like Snowflakes, and can’t wait to see signs of mine once our snow melts. Are those hellebore flowers so small or are the snowflakes so large?! Here is my offering for this week, with thanks again:

    In a Vase on Monday: Catkins

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Cathy. The H foetidus has clusters of smaller flowers – quite different from H orientalis. I especially noticed their red rims today

  7. johnvic8 says:

    The doily makes my Arranger so happy. Very well done with your choice of materials.

  8. AnnetteM says:

    Really pretty vase – I like it a lot. The doily just sets it all off beautifully.

  9. Pingback: Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day: February 2015 | Cosmos and Cleome

  10. Pingback: In A Vase on Monday: Forsythia | Eliza Waters

  11. Eliza Waters says:

    Very beautifully done, Cathy. I’ve decided to join your challenge this week with my meager offering. 🙂

  12. Kris P says:

    In reading today’s post, I was struck by an image of a room in your house with all sorts of cubbies filled with decorative objects waiting for time in the limelight to accompany a vase. The snowdrops are beautiful, as is the arrangement. Here’s my contribution:

    • Cathy says:

      Oh I had a good laugh when I read your comment, Kris – we are definitely not minimalist here! Unfortunately most of our ‘bits’ are on shelves and therefore magnets for dust – but hey! I don’t notice it (until I pick something for a prop, that is!). Very few of the ‘collections’ are still active – and now there is this new one of acquiring cheap little vases for the meme!

  13. Chloris says:

    Snap Cathy! I have used Leucojums in my vase too. But not the pretty little Leucojum vernum. Your arrangement is lovely and set off so well by the doily.
    Leucojum vernum grows in damp woodlands in Southern Europe.
    My link is…mer-snowflakes/

  14. pbmgarden says:

    Cathy, your summer snowflakes are cheerful. I have a couple but don’t think they’re blooming yet (and I’m not sure what kind they are). I have a quick vase for today from indoors.

  15. Pingback: In A Vase On Monday – Spoilt For Choice | Peonies & Posies

  16. Julie says:

    Another miniature beauty Cathy! Until I read Chloris’s post last week I did not realise that were different types of snowflakes – my small patch flower much later in the spring so I must have L aestivum. I need to investigate your early flowering variety.

    You can find my contribution at – a compilation of the weekends arrangements rather than something made especially for today.

    • Cathy says:

      And to be honest even though I had both types I hadn’t appreciated till recently that the earlier one was L vernum – I just thought it was a bit premature! Hope your dinner party went well – I was thinking of you on Sat as we had friends for a meal too but not Valentine related. That’s why I refreshed last week’s vase with snowdrops

  17. Pingback: In A Vase On Monday | Forest Garden

  18. Pingback: in a vase: violets are…purple | sprig to twig

  19. rickii says:

    I ordered Camas bulbs, which turned out to be Leucojum (the tall variety) but now even those have disappeared. My vase for today also sits on a doily and is miniature. Like minds?

  20. Such a beautiful vase today, Cathy. I like your staging with the Apophyllite crystals and the lacy paper under the vase. It really shows the snowdrops to advantage. I’ve been reading a bit about the British obsession with snowdrops in Gardens Illustrated. We just don’t find the wonderful varieties available here in the States, which is probably why so few of us grow them. Our garden centers keep a fairly limited selection of bulbs, if at all. Yours flowers all look so fresh and exuberant, they make me smile. Everything outside was frozen solidly when I went out, so I’ve snipped inside for today’s vase: Best wishes, WG

    • Cathy says:

      But remember these snowflakes are not the same as snowdrops, and probably more readily available for you. According to the snowdrop books I have there are many US collectors too but I guess they will mostly be in areas with the right conditions for growing them. Our winter has not been especially cold this year, and very little snow too (well, so far!)

      • Cathy, I need to learn more about the differences in snowflakes and snowdrops. Your flowers here look very similiar to what I’m growing from locally purchased bulbs. I believe our climate in Virginia is similar to yours. We are in Zone 7b. But I think many gardeners here lean towards other, more showy bulbs. We have a large daffodil farm nearby, and so daffodils and tulips remain very popular in our area. Is England setting records yet for warm winter temperatures? I’m reading a book at the moment by a gardener in Devon who writes a lot about the warming climate in terms of difficulties with growing traditional fruits. Seems there is a growing dearth of chilling hours for the trees. Always interesting…. Best wishes, WG

  21. Amy says:

    Your Leucojum make me smile, Cathy – they’re delightful! When I read your title, I thought, oh no… more snow 😉 That doily with the green vase is a much more springlike idea! And the hellebore combines beautifully!
    It has taken all day, but my highly experimental tribute to the sea is posted at last:

  22. Anca Tîrcă says:

    Dear Cathy, many thanks for inspiring me! For half a year, the Monday vase has become my weekly creativity exercise. Until February, I posted the vases on my professional blog on education (, but starting with this month I have a blog dedicated to my garden. Here is my vase for this week:

    Best wishes,


    • Cathy says:

      Welcome Anca – and thanks for your kind words about the meme. I am thrilled to hear it has inspired you and am now off to look at the first vase on your new blog 🙂

  23. Annette says:

    So sweet and doesn’t it touch your heart the way they humbly drop their little heads?! I really have to plant some Leucojum bulbs this autumn.

    • Cathy says:

      They don’t seem to spread as much as snowdrops themselves – but are quiet and unassuming and just get on with doing their own thing

  24. Anna says:

    Oh pretty little vases Cathy and interesting to read about the crystals which look as if they could be big hailstones. Your post also bought back happy memories of making paper snowflakes as a child.

  25. bittster says:

    The leucojum and hellebore blooms look perfect together, I love it. While I don’t care for the summer version the l. vernum version is one of my favorite blooms of spring!

  26. I love the use of the Apophyllite Crystals! I am such a huge fan of them and will be trying my best to replicate what you have made here. I do a ton of meditation and like to share what I find. I recently researched Apophyllite Gemstone and would love to share the meditation practices I found for the stone.

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