End of Month View: Busted!

The end of June came round far quicker than I was expecting somehow – a whirlwind of a month in the garden, June definitely bustin’ out all over! Now that July is upon us there is still plenty to come, plenty of promise, although the roses have had their day and will now plod along with a reduced showiness. It is good to look back over previous posts to compare the garden from month to month and year to year, and Helen’s End of Month meme at Patient Gardener has been a useful encouragement to keep a record – thanks Helen.

On a sunny day at this time of year the garden has distinct areas of sun and shade, as was clearly noticeable when I took these photographs – taking them in the afternoon would have given a different picture altogether! Below is the view from directly behind the house over the paved area, the streamside grass with a clump of Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Crowburgh’ that seems to be flowering quite happily, and the woodland, always a place of shade.

EOMV.June14.1The main borders are looking better than they have done since the big revamp two years ago, with plants clumping up and making more of a stand for themselves. There are still a few unworthies that could be removed and, much as I love it, I will be reducing the size of some of the clumps of Astrantia ‘Buckland’ which was spread about when the borders were enlarged to help fill gaps.

IMG_2450Taken almost from the same spot, the clematis colonnade is improving from month to month, with Princess Diana, Hagley Hybrid and John Howells all flowering, and a young Vyvyan Pennell who is very leafy and I am hoping will be equally floriferous. In the foreground is the caramel-hued heuchera border.

IMG_2451Also from the same spot is the first of the two views of the woodland edge border, taken from two different directions and demonstrating the contrast  between light and shade in the garden.

EOMV.June14.2The bold borders are still looking more hot than bold, and quite jungly too. These have been great beds for the early sown sweet peas as they face south and have the wall behind them. The geums which have been making a statement for what seems like months will be cut back now as their flowers are increasingly sporadic and perhaps there will be another flush to come.

EOMV.June14.3Beyond the wall, raspberries and loganberries have provided much in the way of early pickings and the redcurrants are ripening nicely. Despite the woolly vine scale there may even be a handful of blackcurrants to come as well.

IMG_2456The main greenhouse is now full of tomatoes and peppers, all potted up now, whilst the early days of the cutting beds are giving way to something a little more promising, particularly now those later sowings of tithonia, zinnia and tagetes have been added to the gaps and joined by an earlier successful sowing of cleome.

EOMV.June14.5The blue & white border continues on its promising journey:

EOMV.June14.4The rose garden, roses diminishing, lavender increasing:

IMG_2461The species snowdrop border, now with a range of greens and splashes of white:

IMG_2462And finally, back by the house, is the hedge border with Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ loving her new improved spot and offering me her nascent flowerheads for a Monday vase – perhaps next week…..

Thanks Helen, for facilitating this meme and getting us into this monthly habit.



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27 Responses to End of Month View: Busted!

  1. Christina says:

    I can really see the sun in your garden today, the light has really bleached the images. Lots more good things to come in July by the look of it. Looking forward to seeing more of what you grow in the cuttings border.

  2. croftgarden says:

    The garden looks so cool and verdant, it is so important to have some cool green areas in the middle of summer. The fruit cage and greenhouse are all looking very productive. Jam for the scones perhaps?
    It is horizon to horizon sunshine again, it’s sunhat and factor 50 again, so I’ll think about you cool green oasis as I do battle with the weeds unless I sneak off and go for a paddle!

    • Cathy says:

      Sunny here as well, but not hot at all – very pleasant. Things in the fruit cage tend to look after themselves, apart from wiping off the woolly vine scale, and I am therefore very grateful for their generous contributions. The raspberries and loganberries are prime breakfast material – and I go through a lot of redcurrant jelly. I don’t use as much jam these days, but will probably make some from last year’s leftovers.

  3. Everything looks lush and healthy – good gardening practices I’m guessing. 🙂

  4. bittster says:

    I’m always amazed by all the different areas you’ve defined in your garden, and the soft brick really makes for a nice backdrop to the bold border. It looks great!
    I don’t think the bold border will cool down once the crocosmia start. Do you have any magenta or purples coming along too? They would seem to be nicely bold colors, yet not “hot”

    • Cathy says:

      I love the walls too! I have added some bolder touches, hence the purple sweet peas – there are some cerise dahlias to come, but other additions are not doing a lot yet. I may have to reduce some of the clumps of crocosmia (you couldn’t fail to notice them!) to allow space for more 🙂

  5. Your gardens are absolutely delightful! I especially love the woodland area..so lush and beautiful!

    • Cathy says:

      I planted the trees in the woodland in 2000 and it didn’t take many years to look like a natural woodland, albeit a small one. I have planted bluebells and wood anemones in it,wild garlic and primroses too.

  6. Anna says:

    I enjoyed the spin around your June garden Cathy. The top photos look particularly mysteriously inviting. Pleased to read that the wooly vine aphid did not polish the lot off and that you will be able to enjoy some currants.

    • Cathy says:

      Mysteriously inviting… well do come and visit them! Not many blackcurrants, but a few. The redcurrants didn’t seem to be affected at all.

  7. Kris P says:

    There’s so much variety in your garden, Cathy! I love the woodland sections (something I can’t even begin to emulate in my garden) and I’m envious of the berry bushes. I can see screening material above the berries – are the plants screened from all sides to keep the critters out? Having lost all my grapes to the raccoons and the birds again this year, I’m very interested in critter control.

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, it is a rigid plastic mesh with one of our walls on one side, and a neighbour’s fence on another. We have just replaced and heightened it this year as the berries were shooting through the top and ripping the cheaper netting. It’s definitely worth doing here, as the birds can strip the plants overnight – although they would also eat some of the insect pests if they had access.

  8. It is all looking so lush and inviting, what a wonderful time to take a walk through the garden…Great photos.

  9. Annette says:

    You have such a variety of foliage texture and structure and the combinations look very pleasing. I first thought there’s a snake lying in your snowdrop border but I guess it’s rather a hose! Everything is coming together nicely, Cathy, and I’m sure you’re very pleased with the result.

    • Cathy says:

      Snake? Hose? It will be neither…. so what is it? Excuse me while I check…. could it be the ‘crook’ style post with a ribbed lantern hanging on it? I am especially pleased that the garden doesn’t look at all tired yet, almost as if it is still gaining momentum

      • Annette says:

        If it’s not there anymore it probably was a snake! It was lying flat on the ground, so no lantern post I shoud think 😉

  10. Pauline says:

    Your shade looks so cool and inviting! All your greens look so good together, lovely contrasting shapes and texture. I’m so glad that the creepy crawlies have left you some fruit, we should be picking ours soon too.

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, plenty of greens Pauline! Hope you have a good crop too – I have never picked raspberries and loganberries as early as mid June before.

  11. Aren’t we lucky having brick walls in our gardens? You appear to have a very productive garden. You’ll be busy harvesting soon. I am so fond of “Annabelle” – she’s a relative newcomer to our garden and is a wonderful plant. Good in bud and seed head, as well as flower, giving interest for months, as well as for cutting. I love having lush, cool green areas, as a respite from all the colour of high summer.

    • Cathy says:

      Yes, I love my walls – but I had to build mine. I will be getting itchy fingers and wondering where else Ican put one soon…! 🙂 Mine didn’t do a lot before, and was so much happier even last year but she is getting really excited now and is covered in buds which, as you say, are gorgeous. Despite perhaps having too much tree cover now I wouldn’t want to be completely exposed to the sun – it’s getting a balance, I suppose.

  12. Chloris says:

    I love the green shady area in your woodland garden. Your whole garden looks so well cared for, none of the wild and woolly look that many of us have in July if we haven’ t been diligent enough with the secateurs.
    Clematis are a joy for this time of year although I must admit in my garden I feel a bit flat when most of the roses are saying goodbye. I look forward to them all year.
    Annabelle is gorgeous, one of my favourite hydrangeas.
    Having soft fruit to pick for breakfast every day is one of the joys of July.

    • Cathy says:

      Now those photos must have been deceptive Chloris as I would say my garden is just as wild and woolly as you suggest other people’s are at this time of year – diligent with the secateurs? Not me! I keep inspecting my other clematis for buds, although there are two or three that must have been nibbled by slugs very early on and the plants are no more than green sticks a few inches high – not had that before! I am really appreciating Annabelle in her happier state whereas she had little to recommend her before

  13. Cathy it is all looking very good, it’s nice that there is sun and shade, the open garden doesn’t have this, the greenhouse and cuttings bed look very orderly and productive, Frances

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Frances – although I wasn’t happy with the cutting beds a few weeks ago it is looking a bit better and perhaps I will be able to ‘cut’ something from it soon! Learning from my actions all the time with these beds 😉

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