Wordless Wednesday: First Dahlias, Totally Orange

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25 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: First Dahlias, Totally Orange

  1. Gorgeous colour.

  2. Cathy says:

    Very pretty. 😃

  3. krispeterson100 says:

    Wow, that seems early! Or maybe I’m just falling behind 😉

  4. Heyjude says:

    Wow! Are they really early?

    • Cathy says:

      Sometimes they can be as early in June as this, Jude – it’s one of the things I record in my garden diary. I have moved on to my second 5 year garden diary, which means I don’t see the previous 4 years records every time I open it, and I suspect I have got a bit lax in what I record! I lift my dahlias, leave them to dry, then pot them into dry soil for the winter (and now store them in the sitooterie) and begin to water them about the end of January or so. It works for me

      • Heyjude says:

        With the exception of the very small dahlias I don’t grow them. Too many pests! I did actually empty the pots last year and found loads of small tubers which I dried and stored in the conservatory. I almost threw them out, but saw that there were shoots appearing, so potted them into slightly larger pots and they are growing well.

  5. hb says:

    Beautiful rich orange. 🙂

    Mine (white, so far) are about in the same state–the very first ones of the year. I’m hoping this does not mean the heat will be early, too.

  6. Tracy says:

    Yes, I’ve got my first few blooming as well. And they were pokey last year, so I’m especially happy. Love the coloring on yours!

    • Cathy says:

      Oh that’s good to hear, Tracey and I hope they do well for you this year. I have tried to take out some of the stems this year as some varieties get really top heavy otherwise

  7. karen says:

    Beautiful colours. Reassuring to see them. Nearly all mine are only just showing a few shoots above ground. So chilly here. 8C last night. Had to close up the greenhouse. Poor tomatoes!

    • Cathy says:

      Ah, I lift mine Karen, although they may well have been OK outside this last winter, but I don’t want to risk it and I don’t find it too onerous. Must admit I keep my greenhouse dooor open all summer, although it does have a mesh screen I lift on and off which I suppose will keep some heat in. What stage are your tomatoes at?

      • karen says:

        Nothing seems to be growing very quickly here. There’s a terribly cold wind here at the top of the hill. Tomatoes are only about 18” high and seem to have just stopped growing. I’ll dig dahlias up from now on. The winter wet has killed quite a few and the slugs have attacked emerging shoots. Much better to get them to a good size before planting out. Have a lovely Sunday. I’m picking roses for my mum. Xx

        • Cathy says:

          Yes, things in the cutting beds certainly seem to be growing slowly, albeit steadily. I am sure your Mum will have loved the roses!

  8. bcparkison says:

    It is so fun to find the first of any blooming flower..very pretty

    • Cathy says:

      Oh indeed, and I think with dahlias even more so because they have such a long flowering season with four months or so of blooms to come 😊

  9. How wonderful to have Dahlias already! I have one that’s getting tall, but it will be a while before it blooms. They are amazing plants, aren’t they? The color of the one you’ve shared is stunning!

    • Cathy says:

      I lift and overwinter mine inside, which may make them earlier than those kept in the ground perhaps? They all have buds on now, even the two new varieties I am trying. So many months of blooms to come!

  10. Such a pretty colour. We are finally getting some warmth so hopefully the one and only I have will start to do something!!

  11. bcparkison says:

    They are a beautiful flower..The few I had last year before the disaster were lovely.This season a other different disaster has stopped my gardening for now. But this too shall end.

  12. Wow – such an intense colour Cathy and what timely sunshine in a week that has been sadly lacking. When did you start the tuber off?

    • Cathy says:

      They were potted up once they had dried out in the autumn and the pots stored in the sitooterie. I began watering them probably from about the end of January, but it took many weeks for any shoots to appear – and then I moved them into the light of the greenhouse

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