In a Vase on Monday: Strawberries n’ Cream

I was trying to avoid tulips for today’s IAVOM, as they could easily become a mainstay for many weeks; however, these creamy tulips were tucked out of the way where they mightn’t otherwise be seen and, like last week’s fiery contribution, they are also a bit of an enigma. They are growing in the cutting beds where they were planted around 10 years ago with the sole purpose of cutting them. Presumably, they flowered in the first year of planting but, although there has been foliage in some of the intervening years, I don’t think there have been any further blooms until now. My guess is that these are mature bulblets from the original bulbs, now large enough to flower: I have only picked the two blooms that were in full flower, but there are others to come. They may be ‘Exotic Emperor’, which I have bought periodically over the years.

Joining the tulips are sprigs of a reliable but straggly wallflower, not quite strawberry red, but in combination with the tulips perhaps we can get away with the title and the prop of a strawberry-themed knitting pattern, for an outfit I knitted for my first grandchild, The Poppet, nearly ten years ago. Sadly, I am not convinced she ever wore it, which would be a shame, as the overall effect was really pleasing (although the pattern was badly worked out with the yellow ‘seeds’ being on even rows, meaning there were a lot of ends to be sown in  – in hindsight, a wonderful thing, I could have used two separate balls of yellow…).

If you have tulips, or anything else plucked from your garden or nearby, to create a vase just to bring yourself pleasure or that you would like to share with us on IAVOM, then consider adding links to and from this post.

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35 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Strawberries n’ Cream

  1. Pingback: In A Vase On Monday ~ After the Rain – In My World

  2. Joanne says:

    Strawberries and cream is the perfect name for your vase this week, Cathy. It must be quite exciting to find flowers in bloom that you remembered planting many years ago. 🙂

    By coincidence, my prop this week is also craft related, and my vase of post-summer flowers can be found here ~

  3. Ha! I thought at first you had a pair of peony blooms in your vase! Whatever variety of tulip, they’re quite beautiful! Bulbs are popping up and blooming like crazy here…

    In a Vase, on Monday – Deep

  4. I love the baby outfit, you must be quite a talented knitting artist, I tried it once, no good at it! Tulips are sneaky, popping in and out like that, although a good garden surprise. I like wallflowers and the color. I think they will grow here as winter annuals. It is strawberry season here and I am wishing for some now. Thanks for hosting

    • Cathy says:

      No, not talented, just something I had done from a young age – for many years I always had some hand knitting on the go – until I got a knitting machine, at which point the hand knitting stopped. These days I don’t sit down enough to do knitting of any sort, although I clearly made an exception for the strawberry outfit (but haven’t knitted since)! 🤣 I always thought of wallflowers as biennials but they do often hang around, albeit in an unattractive woody way 😉

      • I could never get the hang of casting on..which is vital! Biennials are strange here, I can grow parsley for two years but that is about all of them. I think summer defeats the wall flowers.

  5. bcparkison says:

    Poppet? How cute…

  6. Cute grandchild and cap/sweater set! And your flower combination is so pretty, too! Thanks for hosting!

  7. krispeterson100 says:

    Oh, to have tulips mysteriously appear! That’s something I can’t even dream of. Love the little sweater. I hope your daughter has kept it so it can be passed along by her daughter when the time comes. Here’s my post as I hurry to get out the door this morning:

  8. Donna Donabella says:

    I read the title and thought how lovely it would be to have some strawberries and cream right now even for breakfast. Lovely combo and contrast of color. And I adore that strawberry outfit. Adorable. This week I have a few more bulbs flowering to join those still going early on.

  9. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday – Onions, three ways! | Frogend dweller's Blog

  10. tonytomeo says:

    That is an interesting observation about their lapse of bloom. I do not grow tulips because they do not bloom after their primary season. I doubt that they get sufficient chill here. Perhaps their replacement bulbs simple are not mature enough.

  11. Such a cute outfit. I really hope it got worn!! I’m crocheting a baby blanket for an anticipated grandchild this summer and I really hate the sowing in the ends phase. I’m putting it off as long as possible.

    I managed a vase this week and even a prop, but nothing cute or interesting like yours, sadly. Here it is:

    Thanks for hosting!!

    • Cathy says:

      Good tohave you with us this week, Allison, and good luck with the crotcheting – I was able to crotchet at one time, but my tension was never quite right, although I suppose that would not be critical for a blanket 😉

  12. Noelle says:

    I love the bonus blooms, and it just shows that patience may pay off, and whilst leaves appear each year, this may be a promise of blooms to come. Some of those baby knits are such a dream to create when one is waiting in anticipation, there was lots of Granny Love knitted into it I am sure. Here is my IAVOM a little late this week:

    • Cathy says:

      The Granny love was definitely tested by all those loose ends, Noelle! With the tulips, it didn’t really matter too much if there was flowerless leaves coming up each year, as the cutting beds are virtually empty in the spring, so I am glad I didn’t lift the bulbs and throw them out after their first flowering

  13. Timelesslady says:

    Lovely vase. In my humble opinion you can never have enough spring bulbs for vases. They come and go so quickly. I also used a few tulips in my vase this week. They are plentiful right now, and the daffodils have waned and are now on their way out.

  14. Eliza Waters says:

    It is always fun when a surprise pops up from yesteryear, esp. tulips which tend to peter out. This fluffy double is lovely!

    Here is my vase this week:

    • Cathy says:

      Oh indeed – and there are some in a different colour blooming now so it must have been some sort of mix

    • Cathy says:

      For some reason I have not been able to comment on your vase, Eliza – nothing is happening when I click in the comment box, but I shall try to remember to have another attempt tomorrow…

  15. Pingback: IAVOM – Narcissi | Eliza Waters

  16. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Tulips 🌷 | Words and Herbs

  17. Cathy says:

    The tulip really does look creamy, and actually made me think of vanilla ice cream…. which I seem to have on the brain today as the tulip in my vase reminds me of ice cream too! LOL! That outfit is so cute – they shoukd make the pattern for adult sizes too! Thanks as always for hosting Cathy.

    • Cathy says:

      I am sure the pattern could be sized up if you wanted one, Cathy!! And yes, you are right, probably vanilla ice cream rather than just cream!

  18. Intriguing as to why the tulip has flowered after a decade Cathy 🤔 I think that you are on the right tracks with your theory. The Poppet would have looked like a poppet in that outfit – that child looks like a delicious little strawberry 😂

    • Cathy says:

      I bought the book of patterns before there were even any grandchidren in the offing , Anna – purely on the basis of that outfit!! 🤣

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