In a Vase on Monday: Just in Case

Knowing we would be in Edinburgh today for our now annual meeting-up of family and, just in case I wasn’t able to ‘beg, borrow or steal’ any blooms for a vase while was away, when I put together a little posy for the singing friend who gives me a lift to our barbershop practice on Thursdays I photographed it before I passed it on.

The posy is purely cosmos based – mostly Fizzy Pink Picotee with a smattering of Double Click Cranberry. Both sown at the same time, the latter has been flowering since the end of May but the former sulked before suddenly putting on a spurt of foliage growth a few weeks ago and now flowering profusely as you might have seen in yesterday’s post. I was able to gather a generous bundle, limited only by the persistent rain of the day and the difficulty of finding longer stems of the Click Cranberries to match those of the Fizzy Pinks. 

The damp greyness of the day meant photographing was going to be hard, and making for the lightest room in the house I popped the vase onto the window sill while I got my camera before deciding it looked pleasing enough to stay there. This is an eastern facing window, upstairs at the front of the house, and is my ‘healing room’, where I occasionally give complementary therapies and, more regularly, meditate. The two brass bowls are Tibetan ‘singing bowls’ and, yet again, Caithness Glass has done me proud with the pink vase and little perfume bottle.

As is sometimes the case when we are away I may not be able to read all your comments or get to see all your vases this week, but I will do my best, perhaps belatedly. Do still keep them coming though, seeing what joys you can find in your own gardens to brighten up these increasingly darker (in the northern hemisphere, that is) days.

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60 Responses to In a Vase on Monday: Just in Case

  1. Enjoy your time in Edinburgh.

  2. Janice Davies says:

    Really lovely especially with the light coming through the petals and vase

  3. The backlighting on the Cosmos is a lovely effect and as of now, I am searching for Double Click Cosmos! A simple posy with great presence. Have fun in Edinburgh, thanks for hosting from afar. Here is my vase, this week

  4. pbmgarden says:

    A lovely vignette with the rainy backdrop. Cosmos are wonderful flowers and yours just cheer me up this morning. Have a wonderful time with family.

    In A Vase On Monday – Autumn Pinks

  5. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday – a sad week – Absent Gardener

  6. Cath says:

    What a lovely pink, grey and green colour mixture. The cosmos do look simple and pretty with the light coming through them. I hope you have a wonderful reunion! Here is my vase :

  7. Joanna says:

    The cosmos are lovely! I grew a candy stripe picotee cosmos a few years back. It was a favorite! Hope you are having a nice trip!
    Here is my vase this week:

  8. AlisonC says:

    They are so pretty and don’t look at all damaged by the rain. A perfect pink composition. They look so dainty and elegant though they are pretty tough plants. I envy you being in Edinburgh, it’s time I went again. My link:

    • Cathy says:

      Your comment went into spam this week – can’t imagine why! I agree that cosmos is pretty tough but sadly it is now almost the end of them for this year 😦 When did you last make it up to Edinburgh?

  9. FlowerAlley says:

    A great job with placement, color and texture. Safe travels.

  10. Oh what a joy to see these cosmos glowing in your lovely pink vase….especially against that rainy backdrop..All that pink does bring me joy as my garden has few blooms left. Safe travels and enjoy….here is my vase as I make wishes for my garden next year:

    Wishes For My Garden

  11. What a pretty window vignette. Perfect to lift spirits on a cloudy day.

  12. Pingback: In a Vase on Monday: Pink and Gold | Words and Herbs

  13. Cathy says:

    Have a wonderful time with your family Cathy. I got the weather I wished for last week, so hope you get sunshine too. 🙂 Love your Cosmos – mine are also still flowering, but not as profusely as yours. Here’s my vase for today:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Cathy – as we travel up by train we travel as light as possible but at least the forecast suggested I didn’t need anything for wet weather! Glad you had sunshine the previous week

  14. Sally says:

    What delightful colors! The first bouquet is beautiful against the light of the window and I love the vase.

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Sally – I have so many Caithness glass vases, many from car boot sales with little chips in them that areen’t noticeable when they have flowers in!

  15. Peter/Outlaw says:

    I hope you have fun with your family, Cathy! Thanks again for hosting. Your cosmos are beautiful and are perfect in your pink vase. My attempt is here:

  16. So mysterious and romantic with the light coming through the window. Have a lovely visit. My vase is here:

  17. Kris P says:

    The backlit cosmos are very pretty. I hope you’re enjoying your visit! Here’s my post:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Kris – after 6 years has definitely become an annual event although my Mum is finding the travelling an effort and is uncertain about another year, which would be a shame

  18. Chloris says:

    Cosmos are wonderful for vases, yours look so pretty in the Caithness glass. Have a wonderful family party. My vase is :…nnias-and-things/

  19. Pingback: In a vase on Monday – The days are changing but not the vases, yet! – Creating my own garden of the Hesperides

  20. Christina says:

    Have a wonderful time with your family. Your Cosmos are lovely; I hardly used mine at all this year.
    Here’s my post:

  21. Beautiful blooms only made even more so by their placement in front of the window. Lovely!

    My IAVOM:

  22. LisaDay says:

    Glorious. Have a wonderful time.

  23. Alison C says:

    Don’t they look delicate and airy with the light coming through them. Thought they are tough plants really. A pretty pink picture and they look as though they have survived all the rain too. Here is my link:

  24. Pingback: In a Vase on a Monday: The Budgie Club | Annettes Garten / Annette's Garden

  25. Annette says:

    Cosmos are such thankful, long-lived creatures and perfect for the vase. Hope you’re having a good time with your family. Safe trip back home afterwards. Here’s mine…a bit late but it’s not midnight yet!

  26. Pink on pink is pretty. Happy IAVOM. Enjoy your visit.

  27. tonytomeo says:

    Cosmos are so pretty, and they happen to be one of those flowers that also excels in white! We had them naturalize for a few years, but they were mostly bright pink. They self sowed, without becoming invasive. In fact, they died out when the space was used for something else.

  28. Anna says:

    Hope that you are enjoying family get together Cathy and that storm ‘Brian’ didn’t hamper your journey on your way up north. Your cosmos are definitely singing in the rain.

  29. Eliza Waters says:

    Simply lovely, Cathy. Pink flowers, vase and props, all work together perfectly!
    My vases this week:

    • Cathy says:

      Thanks Eliza – so quickly put together too, but bringing temporary pleasure to me and several day’s pleasure to my friend

  30. Lovely! I think you could and should be on commission for Caithness!

    • Cathy says:

      Sadly, since Caithness Glass was taken over their output is completely different so all of mine is from the 60s to 90s, I suppose, some bought direct from the factory in pre blogging and IAVOM days, but many bought cheaply from boot sales more recently

  31. The back-lit petals are just lovely. Cosmos is one of my favourite annuals. Hope you’re enjoying your getaway. Here’s my vase this week:

    • Cathy says:

      Thank you Helen.It’s so rare I take photos inside these days, so I am always hesitant but needs must this time and the result wasn’t too bad!

  32. karen says:

    So beautiful. I haven’t grown the cranberry one. Mum has bought some cupcake cosmos seeds for next year and some of those are a deep pink. Didn’t know about the therapies and meditation. Enjoy your holiday. Love Karen xx

    • Cathy says:

      I trialled Cupcakes for Which? Gardening a few years ago – they didn’t do especially well for me, but overall the trails were fairly positive

      • karen says:

        I’m having second thoughts about them now to be honest. Which have you found to be the best ones? Quite a few were without flowers this year. Lots of lush growth. No buds.

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