Six on Saturday: Rather Chihuly at Kew

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22 Responses to Six on Saturday: Rather Chihuly at Kew

  1. Love Chihuly in the Garden, especially the “Aloes”

  2. bcparkison says:

    Is he good or what? Love all of his work.

  3. karen says:

    How amazing. Thanks for sharing. I’d love to see these in person, but doubt I’ll get there this year.

  4. tidalscribe says:

    Lovely pictures. Kew was my garden when I was little and for a good while in my twenties. But it is a very long time since we were there – a memorable visit when our youngest sat on a cactus in the glass house – there was a collective gasp from a group of Japanese tourists!

  5. Pauline says:

    Fantastic additions to any garden, wonderful work!

  6. Christina says:

    I love these! We saw some similar in Phoenix Botanic garden a few years ago. I don’t remember he artist’s name.

  7. Wow Cathy! The first one looks like a huge firework. They are all quite fabulous. I noticed that this exhibition was on some time ago and have informed my friend who visited Kew with me last year. We’re hoping to get there 😃

  8. Heyjude says:

    Oh, you are lucky to get to see this. I love his work.

    • Cathy says:

      After Dorris mentioned it I decided to treat myself last Thursday before I resumed Grannie duties on Thursdays, which I will be doing shortly 😉

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