Garden Bloggers Blooms Day: Beacons of Brightness

GBBD.Oct15IMG_6003Although the above mosaic shows over 25 different blooms that were in flower today – and excluded several others – they are almost all isolated beacons of brightness. There are no borders replete with blocks of colour, although the dahlias in the cutting beds and the border with Bishop of Llandaff, Rudbeckia Rustic Dwarf and self-seeded nasturtiums come close. Apart from the dahlias, I couldn’t really say what the highlights are – there are things blooming for the first time, some that have bloomed for months and some that are just drop-dead gorgeous. One thing is certain – it is a more floriferous October than last year, and thanks go to Carol at May Dreams Garden who encourages us to record what is blooming in our garden every month.

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14 Responses to Garden Bloggers Blooms Day: Beacons of Brightness

  1. Pauline says:

    You have so many beautiful flowers Cathy, like you I have my late flowers dotted round the garden, but slowly I am getting them all together to make a late summer border. Late flowers are so precious aren’t they?

  2. Love your photo album, the colors are so gorgeous and such a pleasure to review. Generally speaking it has been a better year for gardening, and the blooms in my fall garden have lasted well beyond my expectations…Sitting in the porch swing in the sun now requires a bit of hot tea, but still pretty much fall is producing some pretty spectacular days.

  3. You do have a nice collection of blooms. It is just that time of year when the swaths aren’t as thick. Happy GBBD.

  4. Chloris says:

    I love your colourful mosaic. I agree, this October is very special, even though the nerines are taking their time. Still we have so much else to enjoy.

  5. pbmgarden says:

    Warms the heart to see so many beautiful flowers Cathy. Enjoy!

  6. croftgarden says:

    A great collection and if they’re not in swathes you can enjoy the merits of each one individually.

  7. Annette says:

    such a pretty collage, I see Freckles is still flowering. do you grow any asters at all? they’ve made such a difference in the new borders this year, I’m so pleased. have a nice and sunny weekend, Cathy šŸ™‚

    • Cathy says:

      Freckles is amazing – the first one I had flowered non stop for 3 years!! So far I haven’t had any success with asters – I must try cutting them back to try and get them to branch out.

  8. I’m loving the way that the flowers are sticking around for longer this year, though in the back garden it is a case of dots of colour here and there. Lovely though, and you have some real beauties to enjoy!

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